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"What're you even doing here!" Jennie exclaimed as she almost got a heart attack at the man sitting at her desk in her temporary office in France.

"I was sent here. Because I had a mission here." He spoke in broke sentences as she closed the door behind her.

"Had?" She simply questioned, taking her blazer off and hanging it in the coat cabinet at the corner of the office and settling in one of the chairs, proceeding to take the weapons out.

"Well yeah, I finished it. Some real rich dude here had some real important file. Just had to take a copy of it." He explained as she frowned.

"And they couldn't assign someone from the French office?" She mused as he shrugged.

"They needed someone who read Korean. It was in Korean." He explained as he would to a child while feasting on the champagne chocolates in front of him.

"And translators weren't invented in the time period they travelled to?" Jennie sarcastically remarked as he chuckled at her getting annoyed at the unnecessary things.

"Something regarding a footprint. I don't know. Either way, needed a physical translator in field and you were too busy in Norway or something. So they sent me." He explained, ending that discussion as she dragged the chocolates away from him.

"Seeing how addicted you've become to them..." she paused, closing the box and putting it on the chair next to her.

"I'm a little worried you'll grow drunk on these." She joked while pulling out a matte dark red lipstick.

"You carry that around everywhere?" He remarked as she shrugged.

"Today just felt like it. Now come on." She muttered, standing up as she grabbed her coat again, while he followed her actions.

"Where are we going?" He asked as she genuinely smiled at the question.

"Sightseeing. We have a ton of time to waste." Jennie replied while proceeding to walk out the door, as he gradually fell into step with her.

"All of a sudden?" Taehyung asked as she only shrugged.

"You're new to the team, and we need to get to know each other. What better way than to explore my home?" She mused whole greeting other agents around her in a rapid stream of French Taehyung couldn't understand.

"You're from France?" He asked, perplexed, as she only laughed.

"Yeah, I'm from France. Or french, you know. That's sorta what they call us." Jennie affirmed in a playful tone as they reached the elevator that took them up to the main level.

"Explains." He spoke while nodding to himself.

"Explains what?" She asked, wanting to see where this led to.

"The name. Jennie Ruby Jane. I would have guess American or something, but French makes sense too." Taehyung explained while she nodded in understanding, seeing it was a pretty obvious indicator of her nationality.

"That and the natural charm bit of it." he said suddenly as she steered her head towards him, now curious about his response.

"Natural charm?" She questioned as he turned to her this time, mild shock present over his features.

"Come on, don't lie to me. You knew right?" He emphasized as she only rose an eyebrow still wondering what he truly meant by it.

"You know, the natural attraction bit. Just one word and you can get people at your feet. Fatal attraction. Here I thought you mastered it for work, but guess not." He mused to himself, slightly chuckling at his admission.

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