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"You ever been around here before?" Jin asked Jisoo as he pushed the door of the diner open, letting her walk in first before following behind.

"Nope, first time. Haven't been out of Seoul much." She admitted, letting her eyes rake over the variety of food around the place.

"Pohang is nice. Far, really far, but nice." Jin admitted as he guided her over to a table.

"Yeah, but I'm glad we came. Wouldn't have found another time to do it either way." Jisoo acknowledged as she sat at the table next to the standing Jin at one of the sea view tables, rubbing her hands together as a moderately chilly breeze flew past them.

"Let's get Sujebi." Jin mumbled as he glanced over at the menu on the wall of the humble restaurant as he looked back to Jisoo who nodded in response.

"Yeah, I'm up for it." She agreed as he nodded, walking over to the counter to order as Jisoo chose to take in the view right in front of her.

The pair had agreed to drive out on their weekend as the others were all busy at work in different parts of the world.

Now they were here in Pohang, a small town with a friendly atmosphere as several elders greeted them with a smile on their walk over.

They drove over intending to spend the day out despite the three hour road trip. Neither of them minded long drives, and Jin especially didn't mind the chance to just relax and just drive his car along the scenic route.

And now here the two were, on their not-date date as they enjoyed a day out in a town away from Seoul and work.

"It's nice, isn't it?" A voice called out as she turned towards the figure who settled in beside her.

"Sure, it is." She shifted and angled facing him as she let out a content sigh.

"Makes me want to forgot about everything for a while." She let out as she gathered her hair into a makeshift ponytail due to it constantly falling in her face.

"Then just forget it." He shrugged as the food arrived unexpectedly early.

"Maybe we should move here. Service is damn quick here." Jin remarked as he took a hold of his chopsticks.

"You can, I won't. I'm a Seoul girl through and through." Jisoo rebutted as she also took a hold of her chopsticks and let her eyes roam over the bowl.

"It's good. Trust me." Jin said as he looked at her expression and took a bite, as if to prove it, and sighing with content immediately after.

"I wasn't saying that it wasn't..." she pointedly said as she took her own bite, and turned immediately with wide eyes.

"Holy, this is really good." She stunned, immediately digging in for another bite as he began to laugh.

"We should come out more often." Jin said as he turned back to the sea, while the latter nodded mid bite, savouring the dish whilst contemplating ordering 20 more to take back with her.

"Rosé would love this place. And Lisa. The two like flavours like this." Jisoo affirmed as he shook his head.

"No, I meant just us two." He explained as her chewing slowed abruptly, and after a moment of hesitation she placed her chopsticks and turned to him.

"Why did you say that the other day?" She asked with no content as he looked a little lost as he placed another bite of food in his mouth.

"You're going to have to give me more context than that." He explained, genuinely a little lost as she cleared her throat, more so out of nervousness than a bad throat.

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