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"So we just head in? No red carpet or anything?" Lisa asked as they stopped at the double doored entrance to a banquet hall inside the Signiel Hotel of Seoul.

"Well, yeah. We're not exactly celebrities." Jungkook answered, fixing his cuff links as he grinned at her confusion.

"Yeah but...I don't know. I just thought that people with tons of money meeting in one place meant tons of media." She shrugged as he chuckled.

"That is when it's a PR event. This is a charity event meant to make connections in private." He explained before stepping closer.

"You need to stop watching soap operas." He whispered leaning close as she blushed in embarrassment, remembering how he caught her binging 'The Penthouse' on her phone while she was waiting for him the other day.

Before she got a chance to refute or even argue back, he had managed to slip his hand to the back of her waist, gently guiding her forward as the doors opened and let them inside.

Immediately Lisa was blinded by the flashing lights that took over the room, and then she took notice of the details that summed up the grandeur of the hall.

"That's a ton of people. I'm calling for more security detail." She first said as Jungkook held himself back from rolling his eyes at the ever so serious girl.

"Lis, calm down. There's several other people here with their own security details. We should be fine." He persisted as she shook her head, continuing her typing on her phone.

"That is exactly why we would need more. You're an important person, and important people are always against each other." She said as he frowned, about to make another comment on the penthouse, but she beat him to that.

"I learnt that from personal hands on experience, so no. You can't make me budge on this." She said, only returning his look once her phone was safely put away after her order.

"Lovely night." A voice called out, halting the pair from arguing further on the matter as a couple approached them.

"Indeed. How are you, Mr. and Mrs. Jang." Jungkook greeted politely, offering the pair a customary handshake they chose to return.

"We're well. JJ corp has been doing great recently.  Blue chip recognition, huh?" Mrs.Jang congratulated as Jungkook only sheepishly shrugged.

"Yeah. It took a while, but from everyone's efforts I'd say we've done a good job." He somewhat modestly replied, a smile gracing his features as Lisa began to slightly tune out at the all business talk.

In the process she noticed a certain waiter standing still, without even a single flute on his champagne tray.

The more suspicious part was that he was on his phone and constantly glanced in Jungkook's direction before taking off a moment later.

Slightly concerned she pulled out her phone, shooting a quick text for someone on the detail to look into the matter.

"Oh. We seemed to have bored out your date, our apologies." Mr.Jang cut in as that effectively grabbed Lisa's attention, her turning around in panic ready to deny everything, but was cut short of her words as Jungkook looped an arm around her waist and pulled her toward him.

"Ah, forgive me. I forgot to introduce my girlfriend. She's not one for public events like this, took me a while to convince her to come here with me." He muttered as he nudged at the girl, who was busy turning as red as a tomato.

Blinking herself out of it, she looked at the expecting couple before straightening herself and reaching her hand out.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Lisa." She introduced, smiling and putting on the most neutral expression she could, trying to seem as unaffected as she could.

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