
Start from the beginning

"you thought of me?" as if that's the most out of character thing in the world, he looks at you.

pressing your lips together you shrug slightly — maybe this was a stupid idea after all.

"if you don't like it or it's too cheesy for you, then-"

"it's perfect, y/n," he says, and shortly afterwards lifts his head to look at you. slightly, he shakes it. "i just don't know if anyone has ever done anything so nice for me, and i'm just wondering what i did to deserve it."

and again you feel some electric shocks in your stomach area.

"just like that." you smile lightly at him, which he returns and then puts the chain on.

the way it hangs there like that, on his chest and showing off his muscles even more, is absolutely insane.

"i've really made a damn nice person out of you, y/n," he grins teasingly at you and not a second later, he has leaned over to you and pressed his lips gently to your lips. "thank you." he breathes softly against them, to which you just grin even more like a little girl in love.

which you're not, though.


when meguru finally pulls away from you, you hold him tight and pull him back to you by the back of his neck. "can you kiss me more?" it sounds more like a statement instead of a question, but he complies with your request with a grin and pushes you backwards onto the mattress before your lips join again.

your heart pounds madly against your chest; so this must be what it feels like to be happy and alive.

one make out session later, you and meguru are cuddled together in bed and you wonder how you could actually not like him in the beginning.

and then you ask yourself why you suddenly like him so much.

maybe a little too much.

you wish you could go to sleep with him like that every night and wake up with him like that every morning, but you can't.

sighing, you cuddle up even more against his chest, which also tightens his grip on you, and breathing out, you try to turn away all thoughts.


the next time you wake up, the pleasant warmth is gone; and with it, meguru.

sighing, you turn over, only to find that, unfortunately, he is indeed gone and not at the other end of the bed.

rolling a bit onto his side you press your face into his pillow, almost tempting you to doze off again.

it is only when a loud clang sounds that you're awakened from your half-sleep and sit up, startled and with your heart beating fast.

unceremoniously you stroke your eyes before you get up, put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and then walk down the hall to the stairs.

once downstairs, you hear a soft swearing, which is why your legs carry you straight to the kitchen. meguru is kneeling on the floor, in front of him a pile of broken pieces that he is laboriously gathering together.

"what happened?" yawning, you stroke your hair.

rolling his eyes, he points at the shards. "knocked my plate down by accident," his gaze lifts and when his eyes meet you, he smiles apologetically at you. "did i wake you up? sorry."

waving it off unceremoniously you give him a small smile as well. "never mind, it's fine," you kneel down opposite him, on the other side of the pile of shards, and help him collect the individual pieces. "where's yoichi?" putting another piece of the china into a bucket.

"out on the beach with rosa."

surprised, you purse your lips. "how romantic, seems like there was a real spark between the two of them."

all at once meguru's gaze lifts from the floor and he looks at you. his eyes fix on you and you're about to ask him if you said something wrong when he suddenly hisses softly and lowers his gaze again. the idiot continued to fiddle with the pile of broken glass, but just without looking, because he preferred to look at you instead and now you have the mess — a small shard is stuck in his hand.

standing up you hold out your other hand to him. he grabs it and then leans against the kitchen island while looking at you for help; he looks like a helpless baby deer.

"wait here, i'll get some bandages." you give him a brief expectant look and sprint up the stairs as if meguru is dying.

quickly, you grab the things you need and hurry back down the stairs where meguru is already impatiently waiting for you.

well, having a piece of glass stuck in your hand isn't very pleasant either.

"do you trust me?" you ask, whereupon meguru seeks your gaze again and nods slightly.

"one hundred percent." he whispers.

you look at him, swallowing hard, and then take his hand in yours. with a deft movement you remove the small shard, causing him to slightly screw up his face and look away.

"hold on" you disinfect his hand and he bites his lower lip. applying the bandage you tape it shut with a band-aid at the end. "done!," you giggle proudly, not expecting to do it so well yourself.
"do you still want me to blow or give you a kiss on the hand?" you tease him, to which he rolls his eyes with a smile.

your grin widens a bit more before he speaks up. "maybe a kiss after all?"

laughing softly you take his hand to kiss it, but contrary to your imagination, his other hand moves directly to your cheek, pulling you extremely close to him.

"i actually meant on the mouth." he breathes against your lips while a shiver makes itself felt on your back.

"can't remember you hurting your lips. so there's no reason why i should." you huff back teasingly, but he seems unimpressed.

"do i need a reason then?"

and that right there was the go-ahead for your body to press your lips to meguru's and exchange a few loving kisses with him before you pull away from each other.

but if you're honest, you'd like to keep going right now.

"thank you, y/n" he strokes his hair sheepishly.

"for the kiss?" teasing him, you giggle.

"for caring about my hand."

shrugging your shoulders with a smile you look at him. "no problem."

milk and honey, bachira meguru ✓Where stories live. Discover now