Chapter 18- Love Sick

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"Hey I was wondering if we could talk,"

He stuck his hands in his dark jeans. His light brown hair swept across his forehead. His black vans went with the black and white button up he was wearing.

"Yea, we-"

"Hi there," Aiden cut me off.

I looked up at him. He had a tight smile on his face.

"What's up, I'm Evan," He put his hand out for Aiden to shake, but immediately pulled it back when Aiden gave him a look.

"Look, if your busy I could always come back tommorrow," Evan said scratching the back of his neck.

"No, its ok, we can talk," I say.

I gave Aiden a look before I followed Evan out and closed the door.

"Your with Aiden?"

"Yea we just fixed things between us, why?"

"I just wondering cause.."

I stayed quiet waiting for him to continue.

"I like you Isabella and I have liked you since elementary. The only reason why I picked on you was because I liked you."

"I-I don't know what to-"

I got cut off when Evan put his lips on mine.

I tried pushing him off of me but he kept forcing me.

"What the hell Bella!" I gave Evan a big push and he finally pulled away.

"It's not what it looks like. I tried pushing him away but he wouldn't move."

"Shut the Fuck up, it is what it looks like. We just fixed things between, Bella. Now you want to go and ruin it by being a slut,"

I was taken aback by his words. They hurt more anything that has ever happened to me.

He then walked over to Evan and punched him square in the jaw.

Tears were streaming down my face as the two boys in front of me fought.

Evan was on top of Aiden punching him. I ran over to them and tried pulling Evan off of him, but I ended being pushed down by Evan. If I weren't angry right now I would have laughed at my stupidity for trying to break up a guy fight.

I was yelling for them to stop when finally Jace came outside breaking up the fight.

"Let's go jace," Aiden said walking away. Jace gave Sammie a quick kiss on the cheek and said bye.

Evan just stood there with a bloody nose.

"Why are you still here?"

He smirked and walked away.


I spent the rest of the day with Sammie watching romantic movies and munching on snacks.

What Aiden said still burns in my head.

I don't know what to do that'll make him believe me, but if he trusted me he would believe me. I've called him about a million times but he would always send it straight to voicemail.

I soon gave up knowing he wasn't going to answer me.

I had finals to worry about next week, so I went upstairs after Sammie went home and studied.

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