Chapter 13- Stupid Aiden

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"I am not wearing that dress,"

"Yes, you are,"

Sammie and I are currently sitting in my room arguing on what I should wear to the party tonight.

In all honesty I didn't want to go. I just wanted to stay home and catch up on Teen Wolf.

"Nope definitely not wearing it," I say.

"Yes you are because, you my friend have to get Aiden back." She says handing the dress over to me.

"I'm done with Aiden. I don't want anything to do with him." I argued.

Truthfully Aiden has been an A$$ to me ever since we've known each other. He would constantly annoy me and be a cocky arrogant piece of sh*t. Then all of a sudden he likes me? No, somethings off.

"That is where you're lying, Bella. I know that you still have some type of feelings for him deep...deep...deep inside your heart. And plus I want to get him back for hurting you." She says handing me hot pink pumps she got from my moms closet and pushing me into the bathroom.

"I hate you!" I yelled out to her.

"Shut up you know you love me!" She laughed in reply.

The dress is tight, black, and hugs all my curves in the right places, but barely covers my a$$ and boobs.

"This dress is suffocating me!" I complained.

"Pretty hurts," she said back.

I finally manged to cover my body with the dress and opened the door.

"You look hot." Sammie stated.

I rolled my eyes.

"Is Liz coming?" She asked pulling out her bright red, strapless, dress and black pumps.

I almost forgot about Elizabeth. Its like we're starting to fade away. I haven't talk to her since the other day at school. She's been hanging out with Cole a lot more then she's been hanging out with me.

I shrugged.

"Haven't talk to her,"

"I'll text her and see," Sammie told me.

I nodded and began applying light make-up to my face.

After we finished getting ready we walked downstairs to find my sister sitting at the table on her computer. She looked up from the screen and gave me a confused look.

"And where do you think you're going at this time if night?"

"A party," I say nonchalantly.

She at looked me hesitantly and gazed back at her screen.

"Be careful," she mumbled.

"Where's mom and dad? Work?"

"Yup, as usual."

My mom and dad are always at work. We barely see them except for on a sunday which is there off day but instead of spending some time with me and my sister they go on a minnie vacation.

I sighed.

"Alright I guess we will be going," i say dragging Sammie behind me.

"Bye," my sister called after me.

Once we got in the car Sammie started speeding down the road towards the party.

The place looked like a dumster when we got there. There were red cups everywhere covering the grass. The music was really loud as people walked in and out of the door.

"I should have never came," I say.

"Don't be silly, Bella. You need this break," she said reassuring me as we walked into the party.

People were everywhere. I recognized almost everyone from my school. The place smelled like sweaty bodies, alcohol, and vomit. I crinkled my nose.

"This place smells," I say.

I didn't here a reply from Sammie and looked behind my shoulder to see she was already dancing like the rest were doing.

I rolled my eyes.

"Some friend I have." I said to myself.

I walked to the back and got me a shot of whatever the guy suggested me to drink and guzzled it down.

About thirty minutes into the party I was a little tipsy.. Ok maybe I was really tipsy. People were squeezed in with me dancing to the dubstep music that was playing, I of course joined in with them and began swaying my hips and nodding my head.

"Hey!" Someone yelled over the music to me.

I turned around to see The one and only Aiden.

"Uhh, heeeeey," i slurred over the music not amused to see him.

"Are you drunk?" He asked with a concern look on his face.

"What?! No..I'm not drunk." I say as I almost trip on the air. "Okay maybe I am, but so what? Why do you care?"

He put his hands up in defeat.

"Hey I was just asking. You should really go home, something bad can happen," he told me.

"No thanks dad I think I will stay here," I say sarcastically.

"Come on we're leaving," he grabbed my hand.

I tried to yank it back when all of a sudden I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Wait! I feel like I'm gonna pass out," I tell him coming to a stop.

"Here," he picked me up like a baby and began walking me to his car. His jaw was clenched all the way to the car like he was mad, And let me tell you my friend he looked really hot!

"Stupid Aiden," I mumbled. "," I didn't get to say the rest when I suddenly fell into a deep sleep, but not before I heard Aiden say goodnight and kiss my forehead.





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