Chapter 9- Best Friends

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Today is our last day in the Bahamas. And It's been THREE days since I've talked to Aiden. He hasn't even try to talk to me! He even wrote down a girl's number when we went to the movies on the other side of town. I know we aren't dating, but he promised me that he wouldn't get with another girl.

I was sitting downstairs eating cereal at the the table when Cole came in wearing basketball shorts and a black tank top.

"Hey, Bella," Cole greeted taking an apple off the counter.

"Hey," I greeted back taking a bite of my Apple Jacks.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask him eating my last bite of cereal.

"You just did," Cole laughed.

"Haha that's so funny," I fake laugh. "But seriously,"

"Yea, what is it?" He asked.

"Did Aiden say why he hasn't been talking to me?"

"No, but he told me that he wasn't apologizing for the other day at the party,"

"Are you serious?" I ask getting up and walking towards Aiden's room.

I opened the door to find him lying on the bed with loose sweatpants that hung low on his waist and no shirt . Wow he looks good. Focus!

"Seriously!" I start yelling.

"What?" He asked now sitting on the bed.

"It's been three days and your not going to apologize?" I asked looking down at him.

He didn't say anything.

"Are you just going to sit there and be stupid and not say anything or are you going to speak?!" I asked crossing my arms.

"Well there is nothing to apologize for," he shrugged.

"After I thought I actually liked you," I shake my head as he got up and walked towards me.

"You know we leave tomorrow so after this I-" Aiden's lips came crashing down on mine. I tried pulling away, but his hands were firmly placed on my waist. His lips felt soft against mine. I started moving my lips in sync with his. His tongue came out and licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance. I gladly excepted. I pulled away to catch my breath and put my head on his.

"I don't want to stop talking to you. I never will. I'm sorry. I should have never did that. I-I got jealous because that guy was all over you," Aiden said. "And I didn't grow some balls to come and talk to you and apologize myself. I guess what I'm trying to tell you is that I like you and have liked you ever since I met you."

"I like you too," I blush "And I forgive you," I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

He pulled away and looked at me

"So does this mean we're together?" Aiden asked me.

"I guess so," I smiled giving him another hug.


After me and Aiden's "session" I walked back into the room to pack my things.

"Soo, Bella, what was going on with you and Aiden in there?" She smirked.

"UHM, I don't know what your talking about," I say pulling my luggage out of the closet.

"Oh come on I saw what you guys were doing," she told me zipping up her luggage that she already packed.

"We're you ease dropping?" I asked putting my clothes in my luggage.

"No I was simply listening in on what you guys were doing,"

"Yea sure," I laughed.

After I finished packing all of my things it was already 3:00. I pulled my luggage down the stairs and sat it by the stairs.

I walked back into the kitchen and saw that everyone was sitting down at the table.

"Bella you want to go to the pier?" Aiden asked getting up and putting his dish in the sink.

"Yea sure. Let me go and put my clothes on I left out." I say walking back upstairs.

The whether said it was going to be in the 90's all day today so I put on high waisted dark blue jean shorts and a light blue crop tank top. I put on my white flip flops and left my blonde hair hanging all the way down.

"Are you ready Bella?" Aiden asked leaning on the door frame. He was wearing tan shorts and a red t-shirt. He had on his black Vans and a pair of shades on.

"Yup," I say walking passed him and heading downstairs.

"Bye guys," I waved. "We'll be back before dinner,"

The cab was already outside when we walked outside. I got in first as Aiden followed. After I told the driver where we were going he said an ok and pulled off, but not until Cole and Elizabeth came running outside yelling for us to stop.

"Ugh what do you guys want," I ask rolling down my window.

"We're coming with you," she says opening the door. "It's our last day here and we want to go out,"

"Fine," I say rolling my eyes as they hop in the car and shut the door.

The cab finally pulled off and sped down the road. We arrived at the pier and grabbed our things and began walking.

"It's so hot," Elizabeth complained.

"You should have stayed at the house," Aiden said to her.

"You should have stayed at the house," Elizabeth mocked.

"Wow your so childish," laughed Aiden, I laughed with him.

"I wanted to get out of the house. It's so boring there," she said as she pulled on her sunglasses.

"We should get souvenir's," I say looking at her.

She nodded.

"Hey there's a store right there," Cole pointed out.

As I walked into the store I got hit full force with air conditioner.

"Man it feels good in here," Elizabeth said as she put her arm around my shoulder.

I chuckled.

After trying on a million different outfits, we finally decided on a Nassau, Bahamas crop top and some joggers. We payed for the outfits and began walking on the pier again.

"Remember in the fifth grade when Aiden tried to hit on Mrs. Alexandria?" I laughed. Everyone started laughing with me.

"That was so hilarious!" Aiden said "I remember when Cole and I got into an actual fight at school because he stole my crayons," Aiden laughed.

"That was so funny," Scarlet said holding her stomach.

"Good times, good times," I say intertwining my finger with Aiden's.

"Yea, I'm gonna miss you guys when I go off to college," Elizabeth said.

"Don't worry this school year is going to go by smoothly like the other years did, then we will all be off to college and taking spring break together again." Cole says looking down at his feet.

"Yea we have to keep in touch with each other forever," I say. "Cause I want you guys to be there every step of the way."

"Totally. I promise I will be there with you know matter what happens. Even if you kiss some guy that I like or date. I will always be there," Elizabeth says looking at me.

I smiled a cheeky smile at her.

"This. Right now. What we have. Between us now. Nobody can separate. You guys are my best friends nobody could replace you guys," Aiden said putting his arm around me and kissing my for head.

Nobody could come in between Aiden, Liz, Cole and I.

Or at least that's what I thought..
So the gang is going home tomorrow and there might be drama, drama, and more drama. *evilly laughs*. Thanks for reading Make sure to vote and comment(: love you all.


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