Chapter 20- Graduation Road Trip

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So here's where I make this big speech about how i've made it this far and explain what I plan on doing for the rest of my life. Well truthfully I've made it this far and I feel nothing. Maybe it was because of Aiden or the constant glares from Elizabeth, I couldn't tell.

"Get your Ass up it's graduation day bitch!!!" Sammie yells busting through my doors.

"Sammie, my parents are in the other room," I say turning over to look at her.

"Oh well," she shrugged. "Now come on we've got to get ready. Where's your cap and gown?"

"Up your ass now leave me alone," I say turning back over.

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," she huffed. "Do you even have your stuff packed for this road trip?"

I nodded in answer, getting comfortable again in my bed. I had packed everything last night and went over it with my parents who are okay with it as long as I checked in with them everyday.

Sammie walked to my bed side and started dragging me out the bed.

"Get up!!" She started yelling.

She continued to drag me out the bed until I hit the floor with a thump.

"Alright, Alright, i'm up," I say walking towards the bathroom.

After I did my morning essentials, I had Sammie do my hair and make-up. After she was finished I was amazed at what she turned me into. Over the passed few days i've been bumming around not giving a care in the world, but what she did made me speechless.

My hair was curled, not naturally curled like it usually was but actually curled with the iron. She applied light make-up to my face and added a clear coat of lip-gloss.

"Wow..." I say shocked.

"I know right," she smirked cockily. "Since I already got in the shower at my house you can go ahead and do my hair and make-up."

I nodded as she sat down in the chair.

First I did her hair. I put half of it in a ponytail and left the rest down. After I curled her hair I applied light make-up and turned to let her look at herself.

"I got to say, we did a bomb ass job," she smiled.

I smiled in return and walked back towards the closet to get my dress.

I pulled out out my strapless pink and black lace dress {{BELLA'S OUTFIT PICTURE ON THE SIDE}}

"Such a shame you could have worn that beautiful dress to prom, but noooo you didn't want to go," she complained.

"Sammie you know why I didn't want to go,"

"Okay, okay lets let's just get ready,"

When we finished getting ready I heard the door bell ring. Careful not to fall down the stairs I made my way to the door. When I opened the door there stood Aiden in his tux with his graduation outfit and with a dozen roses in his hand smiling brightly at me. I was speechless, I didn't know what to say.

But that all soon disappeared as Anger boiled inside of me as I remembered what he had said.

"If you think you can just show up at my door with my favorite flowers and that good looking smile of yours asking for an apology, then you got another thing coming. AND, If you think for a second that i'm gonna forgive you for what you-"

It was Aiden's lips crashing onto mine that cut me off, mid-sentence. I instantly put my arms around his neck as he put his around my waist. I pulled him closer if that was even possible to deepen the kiss. I let out a low moan as he slipped his tongue in my mouth. Our lips moved in sync as he was rubbing little circles on my waist.

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