Fishlegs grunts in irritation, grasping for the sheep as Snotlout suddenly flies back and past him.

"Snotlout! That was mine!"

Snotlout looks up at Ruffnut and Tuffnut, winking as he tosses it to her. "Here you go, babe. Did I tell you that you look amazing today? 'Cause you do!"

Ruffnut groans in disgust, shaking her head as her dragon, Barf, glares at Snoutlout.

"Come on, Barf. It's starting to stink around here," she urges, Barf releasing gas as Snotlout dreamily watches after her.

"Nope, still hates you," Tuffnut grins widely at Snotlout, his grin turning sinister as he faces forward. "Let's blow this place, Belch!"

Snotlout cries out as Belch lights the gas, a small explosion blasting the side of Hookfang and stunning him.

Ruffnut tosses the sheep into the net full of sheep, earning her and Tuffnut a point.

Stoick lets out a hearty laugh as they fly by, "that's nine for the Twins! Astrid lags with three, Fishleg and Snotlout trail with none. And Hiccup is..."

He pauses as he looks between (Y/N) and Hiccup's netting, their dragons painted on the sign in dark ink and their nets empty.

"And Hiccup and (Y/N) are no where to be found."

Stoick sits down in his throne with a heavy sigh, anxiously tapping his fingers the arm as he looks around with a deep frown.

"Scared him off with the big talk, didn't you, Stoick?" Gobber snickers, resting his arm on Stoick's throne. "And I'm guessing he swept (Y/N) away and ran off."

Stoick sighs once again, nodding.


Astrid swings herself off Stormfly, smacking her fist against Snotlout's helmet as he yelps.

"What are you doing, Snotlout?" She demands, bringing herself upright as she glares at him. "They're gonna win now!"

"She's my Princess! Whatever she wants, she gets!" Snotlout defends, nonchalantly resting his arm on Hookfang's horn.

"Ruffnut?" Astrid raises her brows, "Didn't she try to bury you alive?"

"Only for a few hours," Snotlout laughs, Hookfang spinning the checkpoint.

"Now, dragons used to be a bit of a problem here. But that was five years ago."

Stormfly swiftly flies ahead of the others, dodging Fishlegs and Snotlout.

"Now they've all moved in. And really, why wouldn't they?"

They all swoop into a building, flying past as the Dragons bustle down below.

"We have custom stables," a Nadder chitters happily as it devours fish after fish, "all-you-can-eat feeding stations," a baby Gronckle flies past another Gronckle taking a bath. "A full-service Dragon wash!"

The baby Gronckle inhales deeply before sneezing a large fireball, blasting a wooden building.

"Even top-of-the-line fire prevention, if I do say so for myself and (Y/N)."

Astrid gasps, narrowing her eyes with a smirk as Stormfly dives down, allowing her to pull a rope that releases water onto the fire.


Stoick chuckles softly as Gobber claps, clearing his throat.

"It's time, Gobber."

"Righty-ho!" Gobber nods, waving to a man waiting for the signal. "Last lap!"

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