Katherine didn't know if she could ask this question, but she deserved the answer.
"What aren't you telling me about this morning?"

Katherine had smelled the scent of Violets as she walked out of Emily's house this morning.

Thinking she had imagined it and her mind was tricking her into believing absurdities and make her panic. But now that Elizabeth had stood there in front of her, with the same scent. She knew, that Emily was hiding something.

It wasn't a coincidence.

Confronted, Emily had to speak to truth.
"I-" she sighed. "I received a flower ..., a Violet, it came with a note." 

Katherine's eyes closed as she took a deep breath. Emily just wanted to protect her, help her.
"What did the note say?"

"I didn't have time to read it" Emily answered honestly.

Katherine had to trust Emily. If not, what would be their relationship.

If only Emily had read it and told her, warn her.


"Okay fair enough" they heard.

Agent. Veck was growling at his agent defying his orders. Thought he seemed more out of control then Elizabeth who was calm and composed. She had the permission of her boss's boss. Nothing he said would change that.
It actually seemed like she was the dominant one in their relationship.

After all, his feelings for her were had been revealed and it seemed that even after all this time, it was still affecting him.

He regained his composure as Elizabeth walked towards the group again. He watched with disappointment as he walked away.

"I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Agent. Prester, Elizabeth. You must be Emily" She handed out her hand to Emily.

Everyone watched as Emily's face was neutral to this proposed act of greeting.
Thought they all knew, that mentally, she was spitting on the floor in disrespect.

She gave a quick smile and shook her hand, 2 firm seconds, 1 too much for her taste.

She replied in with a tint of passive aggressiveness.
"Yes but don't worry, we" she gestured towards her team "already know much about you" she gave a nod and a fake smile

"I see,.... you must have lots of opinions about me then. But, I don't curse you for doing so, we all have regrets and obligations, haven't we? " she asked Emily as she remained unphased by her comment.

Emily didn't know if she meant to refer to her past. She actually didn't even know how Elizabeth knew her.

"Of course, we all do" she simply replied. Her hand on Katherine's shoulder, she could feel her hand squeezing unto her.

Elizabeth looked back at Katherine who was still silent but dared to stare, she couldn't look away.
Maybe she thought this was a dream. A nightmare

Elizabeth wasn't stupid, she could read the room. Especially Katherine, she had done that for several years.

"I see my letter this morning didn't arrive on time for you, you obviously weren't expecting me..." she glanced back at Emily but clearly spoke to Katherine.

"It must have gotten lost" Emily tried to remained calm.

Was Elizabeth expecting for Emily to tell her team, especially to Katherine she was coming?
Did she expect her to tell her this morning because she knew they were together at her place?

Amaranthine - Emily PrentissWhere stories live. Discover now