In Germany we spend a day and night on the island of Rugen before moving to the Moselle Valley. In Norway we stay in Tromsǿ which is a playground for the Northern Lights before we head to the North Cape to catch a glimpse of the aurora borealis and also go dogsledding. In Sweden we stick to our hotel in Ystad and we only go out to eat and watch a movie, Amal hiding her hickeys under layers of clothing while I'm proud of myself for the little reminders of the wonderful moments we shared behind closed doors. We go ahead to explore the architectural gem of Finland, Jyvaskyla. It's more to my benefit than Amal's but she enjoys it all the same and when curiously asks questions, I'm more than happy to provide her with answers.

We spend a day in Athens, Greece. It's there that we get news of Jason and Diana spontaneously eloping to Las Vegas and getting married while being drunk. Alessia sends us photos as proof and Amal loses it. They bicker over the phone for hours before my wife wishes them all the best and they promise to keep in touch. Our last destination is the Turkish city of Abant where we witness nature at its best. On the evening of our last day, Amal and I sit in the bathtub, leisurely soaking in the warm water that's completely covered with bubbles.

She sighs, resting against me with her hair on her left shoulder. "Why does this have to end?"

I was thinking the same thing. "Tell me about it."

"We'll have to return home, unpack and then get back to work." She hisses. "Just why?!"

I can't help but chuckle before kissing the back of her head. Her hair scents like flowers and I love it. "We'll take it one day at a time. We'll take breaks to come on trips like this too In Shaa Allah."

"Well, I certainly can't wait for our next one."

"Me neither. We'll -"

My phone ringing cuts me off and since it's close, I pick it up. I frown at the sight of Aliyah's name on the caller ID and accept the call. "Aliyah?"

"Hi, ya Zayd. Is this a bad time?"

Was she crying? "No, not really." She won't call if something's not up. "Are you okay? Were you crying?"

Amal turns, just as worried as I am. Over the line Aliyah sighs. "I was. Before you freak out, I was just really overwhelmed and then I got happy. You're first person I'm calling. I just couldn't see myself calling anyone else."

She's not making any sense. "Aliyah, what's -"

"I'm pregnant, ya Zayd."

The world stills and Amal gasps, bringing a hand to her mouth. Her eyes go wide and it's so comical that I nearly laugh. The happiness hits then and I exhale.

"Aliyah..." It's surreal. "You're going to be a mum."

"I know." She laughs and it makes my chest squeeze. "It's so crazy. Like, I used to be this little girl who ran around the house and now I'm having my own baby."

"Are you okay though? You said you and Faisal wanted to wait for a bit before having kids."

She sighs. "Well, we plan and Allah plans, right?" She laughs again. "I'm actually happy and well, Faisal and I are well settled. We're already on our second year of marriage so we've had enough time...I'm still a bit scared though. I can do this, right?"

There's no doubt. "You can, Aliyah. You're going to be the best mother and we're all going to be there for you." The smile on Amal's face makes me smile too. "I have no doubts about it."

"Thank you."

"Thank you. I'm honoured, Aliyah. I'm the first person you're calling."

"Don't be cocky, ya Zayd."

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