I nod and take the keys to her car.
I get into the driver's seat, and yes, I have the privilege of getting my driving licence, well after failing it three times, but that's okay, success comes after failure.

"In fact Maa, what is the reason why Aunt Nafsa invited the family?" I asked her as I took the right turn

" No idea, she wants to announce a news, but she didn't give me more details"

"At any moment, she announces that she is leaving for Alaska, I feel sorry for those who will have to listen to her nightly tirades, do you remember when she threw water out of the window on that poor man because his dog urinated on his lawn during the night, "I tell her

"Focus on the road," my mother says, suppressing her laughter.

We arrived 10 minutes later, I parked and followed my mother closely, not wanting to face anyone, my technique has always been to let my parents talk during family parties and just answer the questions are you ok? Yes.

When I enter my aunt's house, I can't stand it anymore, I can already hear the general commotion, the grown-ups talking on one side, the youngsters on the other, the children running from one to the other and the music playing in the background.

But I could also smell the food, the samosas, the ladu, the roasts, aaah, definitely Pakistani food, it's the only positive thing about the day. When I am about to head towards the food my mother stops me.

"Maa?" I ask

She waves me off, Aunty Nafsa was approaching us, what a joy!

"Salam Alaikum, you have finally come, a little late, but I'm glad you're here," she says, smiling and taking my mother in her arms

What is it? It's barely 10:00 in the morning, how late is she talking, again to shoot bullets in the heart, next time I'll take a rocket, but I don't know where to buy them.

I don't have time to continue my reflection when it's my turn to be hugged and kissed on the forehead.

"You're still beautiful, but you've lost weight over time, aren't you eating properly?" asks my aunt.

Really this hypocritical smile, always wonderful, I never understood why my aunt could never stand me.

"Of course she does, but with her studies on the side, she forgets herself a little bit," my mother replied at the same time.

Lying would be the last thing I would forget.

" Is it? I remember that Aliya didn't have this kind of problem, she had the best marks in high school and at the same time she ate well, so it's a question of knowing how to do it, Azra doesn't damage your health, eat properly," she tells me

I nod, laughing and hiding my desire for murder, I finally leave my mother talking to my aunt and slip away.

I find the buffet and fill myself with a plate of samosas with sweets on the side, I'm going to enjoy myself, I take a seat next to my grandmother.

"Azra eats slowly," my grandmother tells me.

"Yes, yes," I tell her, not even trying

How does she want me to eat more slowly when that's my comfort after the hard battle I had with Aunt Nasfa.

Too bad Amina isn't here, I text her to tell her I'm bored.

"I am bored, but I am eating samosas, I wish you were here."  send her

She replies three minutes later.
"I'm here, don't worry, my whole family will be here".

Then I don't understand anything, but I can see Amina's family appearing, especially her father's family with her parents and her.

I was not Supposed to Be his ✔️Where stories live. Discover now