Science and Technology

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The rise of globalization have surely opened our eyes and hands on possibilities. Information and ideas are simply exchanged from one continent, one country and one person to another. With the help of having a connection to the knowledge of the world, we have come across with a chance of use these knowledge to benefit us.

We have learned a lot that helps us in many ways, just like the discovery of technology and science.

With the help of technology we are able to invent machine that are built to help people to easily determine their sickness and the easier and and efficient way on their healing. In the past, we are not able to tell the exact sickness that a person has. Sure, there were doctors of medicine, but they are not accurate enough than we have in the present time. Solving someone problem in health is a very hard task in the historical times. It is easier now that we have these technologies that helps us in a vey efficient way.

Science on the other hand, helped in creating medicines that are suitable to use for a person who is sick. With the exact formulation, amount and chemical balance using the knowledge of science, we are able to create tablets and capsules, the insulin and other antibiotics that benefits the human being in a way that they prevent and help them heal

Science and technology also plays a major and important role in the society by introducing us the earth, the universe and what more lies beyond. They feed us knowledge to what is out there in the unknown and provide us information about the calamities that are about to happen in certain place in the world. In this way, we are able to now where disasters start and execute. By letting us know, we grow to be a more ready and responsible human beings. We are also able to prevent any more further conflicts that could happen if ever we know nothing about a thing.

By action and future decision making skills that helps us in preventing bad things on happening. The field of science and the innovation technology is also greatly helpful in ways of storing knowledge into all of us.

Every knowledge that they knew and gather from their researches are transferred unto us.

It makes us more smart, wise and aware of the things. Now that the exchange of information is a little bit easier than of how it is in the past, it will be good relief that the youth, mainly the children of our society could learn a lot from it. These new knowledge feeds the books that the next generation will then held unto.

Lastly, science and technology helps us people in a convenient way, as you can see, with the pandemic happening on the latter months of 2019 ongoing to 2022, online distance learning would never be possible and I won't be able to type this right now and send this assignment to the professor who assigned this task via digitally without the help of both components.

 Science and technology are of a great help for a student like me.
Phone's alarm wakes me up in the morning, lets me hear my parents voice through a call, lets me listen to music, capture things I wouldn't want to forget, and connect with other people as well on the internet.

They played a big part in this world when the pandemic happened.


Writer's note:
tru istg ngl frfr 

Y R S X L IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora