chapter 26

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POV: Johnnie
Kyle took me to a really nice restaurant for lunch and the food was delicious! I can't wait till Damon and [Y/N] get here. "Hey kyle, let's go to the park" I said as we walked out of the restaurant. "Okay, sure" kyle said. "Yay! I know a park where people never really go" I said said taking Kyle's hand and interlocking our fingers. I walked to the park, now one's here that's great. "Let's get on the swings" I said running up to them. "Okay, so is there something you'd like to talk about?" Kyle asked. I looked at the small park in front of us. "I'm scared" I said as calmly as possible. "Why?" Kyle said concerned. "What if you get tired of living with me, you might leave and I'll be alone again." I said. "Johnnie, I'd never leave you. You're the only one I want. I love you and I always want to be with you." Kyle said. "I love you too, thanks for everything" I said. "Don't thank me Johnnie" kyle said. "But you're the reason why we're together, I wouldn't have had the courage to ask you out" I said. "We should be thanking Bryan, it's because of his brilliant plan that we're together" kyle said. "You're right" I said with a smile. "Why are you so perfect?" Kyle asked looking into my eyes and we both stopped swinging. "Because you're here with me" I said. "Let's go home" I said holding his hand again. The walk home was really quiet. We walked to a furniture store to buy some things to make the house look nice and when we were done we walked back home. "It's dinner time, what do you want to eat?" I asked once we got home. "You" kyle said picking me up bridal style and carrying me upstairs. "I want that too" I said before I passionately kissed kyle on the lips. "And no one is here to interrupt this time" kyle said pushing me on the bed and we quickly took off our clothes only leaving our boxers on. Kyle planted small kisses all over my body and stopped where the elastic part of the boxers were. "Can I eat you up?" He asked and I nodded 'yes'. Kyle slipped off my boxers and I did the same to him, for a while we just stared at each other but then kyle grew hungry. The door bell rang. "Ugh what now? We were so close" Kyle said putting his clothes back on and heading downstairs to open the door. I quickly changed and I sat on the bed. "Hey, kyle. It's Damon and [Y/N]. They came early because they wanted to surprise us" kyle said. "Well they certainly did surprise me" I said as I walked downstairs. "Did you guys already pack your things?" I asked. "No, all we have is clothes that we need to pack. We need to buy everything else though" Damon said. "We're going to buy furniture tomorrow" [Y/N] said. "We just did our shopping today" kyle said. "Yeah, sorry we don't have any chairs for you guys to sit in." I said. "It's okay, we were going to a hotel but we decided to say hello" Damon said. "Okay, well we'll leave you two alone now" [Y/N] said. "Okay, please come again" I said trying to be polite. "Well I'm already tired so I'll sleep now, we'll continue what we started some other day" I said with a frown as I walked upstairs. "Okay" kyle said coming upstairs with me.
There might be another chapter up today since I didn't upload one yesterday, sorry. Thanks for reading <3 bye~

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