chapter 4

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POV: Bryan
As soon as kyle and Johnnie left I came up with a plan, a plan to help Johnnie and Kyle become friends. I asked Damon to help me and he quickly said that he would. "Hey Johnnie want to help me film a video at five PM?" "Yeah sure, sounds like fun!" Johnnie rplied. So far so good with the plan, I just hope everything is going great with Damon.
POV: Kyle
I got a phone call from Damon, he wants me to meet up with him at the mall and hang out. I agreed to go with Damon and I left at two PM, we were at the mall for two hours. "Want to hang out at five PM? Bryan is ordering pizza and we're going to watch a movie." Damon says. "Yeah sure, that sounds great. What about Johnnie?" I respond. "Johnnie has a date tonight." Damon quickly added. We left the mall at four and that left me with some time to put away the things I had bought at the mall, when I was done I headed to Damon and Bryan's room. I knock on the door and Bryan quickly opens the door. "Hi Bryan, is Damon there?" "He's not here right now." Bryan says. "That's weird he told me to-" I was then cut off by Bryan pulling me forcefully into the room, I then notice Johnnie fixing a video camera. Didn't Damon say that Johnnie had a a date tonight? "Hey, what's going on?" I asked very confused now, I then see Damon run out of the bathroom and into the hallway he takes Bryan with him and then closes the door. "DAMON, WHAT'S HAPPENING I DON'T UNDERSTAND!" I scream through the door. "You both aren't coming out until you guys are best friends!" I hear Bryan yell.
POV: Johnnie
It took one knock on the door for things to go crazy. Bryan pulls Kyle into the room and then Damon runs out of the bathroom taking Bryan with him into the hallway. I'm very confused and I don't know what's happening. Kyle screams asking them what's going on and that's when Bryan says we can't leave until we become best friends. I glance over at kyle who is now staring at me, I don't know what to do and it's getting really awkward. Kyle then breaks the silence, "why don't you like me?" Kyle asks. "I don't know, something about you really annoys me. I don't actually 'hate' you. Why don't you like me?" "I don't hate you Johnnie, it's something about you that I hate. You seem so perfect and that bothers me." Kyle says. I'm completely shocked at the fact that he thinks that I'm perfect, we continued talking and we got to know each other. Kyle is a cool guy and I'm glad we are friends now, or so I think we're friends. "Does that mean we're friends now kyle?" "Yeah I guess we are." Kyle says with a smile. We hug and tell Bryan that he can open the door now. "So are you guys friends now??" Bryan asks. "Yes, we're friends now." I say.
POV: kyle
After Bryan opens the door he asks Johnnie and I if we're friends now and Johnnie says that we are. "Hey um, where's Damon?" I asked. "He went to go pick up two pizzas." Bryan says. When Damon comes back we watch a movie on Netflix and eat pizza, when the movie is over Johnnie and I walk back to our room. It won't be bad sleeping on the same bed with Johnnie anymore. But something is different, something has changed about Johnnie. I don't know what has changed about Johnnie but he won't look at me, he keeps staring at the floor.
Hey guys, chapter 4 is up and I hope you liked it! What do you think is different about Johnnie? Why does he keep staring at the floor? You'll find out in the 5th chapter. I'd like to say thanks to all you wonderful people for reading my fanfiction and for voting for my chapters!!

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