chapter 12

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"We're really sorry" the guy with a British accent said. "It's okay, I think the room next door is also taken but you can try the second or third house base" I said. "Thank you" the two guys said and they closed the door. I thought Jordan said his grandma owned a house here but this is a mansion! "I think we should head back down" Johnnie said. "Yeah we keep getting interrupted. Maybe next time?" I said putting my clothes back on. Johnnie and I headed back down stairs hand in hand. "How long were we up there?" I asked Johnnie. "I don't know but almost everyone is gone." Johnnie said. Austin and Alex were dancing to check yes Juliet by we the kings. "We shouldn't interrupt" Johnnie said. "Yeah" I said taking Johnnie to a small room. "What should we do? There's still like five more people here and they are all wasted." I said. "I think we should kindly ask them to leave, it is three a.m." Johnnie said. It turns out there were actually nineteenth people still here and walking into some of them was really uncomfortable. Now all the guests were gone and it only took us an hour to make them leave, Johnnie and I went back to the room from before and we fell asleep. The next morning Johnnie woke me up and we headed downstairs. "Good morning" [Y/N] and Damon said at the same time. "Morning" I said. "Where's everyone?" Johnnie asked. "Well Austin and Alex are sleeping on the couch" Damon pointed at them and we all giggled. "Bryan and Leda are in the third house base. I accidentally walked in on them..." [Y/N] said blushing. "Good morning" both Jeydon and Samm said with warm smiles. "Well we're headed off to the airport now!" Jeydon said looking at Samm. "Really? Why so early?" I asked. "Samm has work and I really want to be with her" he said taking her hand. "Okay but we should all hang out again sometime." Damon said. We all said goodbye and watched them leave. Bryan came downstairs with Leda, "hello?" He said as he saw us all looking sad. "What's wrong?" Leda asked. "Well Jeydon and samm just left" [Y/N] said. "Aw I'm going to miss Samm so much" Leda said. "Why are you going to miss Samm?" [F/N] asked walking with Jordan. "Samm and Jeydon had to leave early" Leda said. [R/N] came down the stair and the three girls hugged on the verge of tears, you know girl stuff. "Well, this isn't awkward" Jordan said rubbing the back of his head. "Well, who else is hungry?" I asked. "Me!" Everyone said really loudly. "Shh, we're going to wake up Austin and Alex" I said. "Too late!" Alex said getting up from the couch and walking up to us. I ran to the couch and pushed Austin off of it. "Kyle, why the fuck did you do that?" Austin asked. "Because it's funny!" I said. "haha, very funny!" He said sarcastically. There was a knock at the door, "who could it be this early in the morning?" Bryan said walking up to the door and opening it. It was the two British guys from last night. "Hello" I said. "Did you forget something?" Johnnie asked. "Good morning, and yes I did forget something" the one with brown hair said. "He forgot his phone" the one with black hair said.
Okay so I originally made this chapter longer but I'm not feeling good, I just had surgery on Thursday Thursday and I'm still recovering so I'll put up the rest of the chapter up some other time. Bye~ have a lovely day/night/morning or whatever time of day it is where you live.
P.s. I didn't revise this chapter for errors so I'm sorry if I made a mistake ><

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