Spy-Mantic ♡ Chapter Two

Start from the beginning

Kenny clapped his hands, and the lights turned on, making everything seem more clearer. We were in a bedroom. A cold, metal tiled, silver, bedroom. I suppose it's located in a warehouse, judging by the looks and feelings of this place.

I was surprised when I saw Kenny's face. He was young, looking about my age actually. And to be honest, he was attractive.

"Hmm, you're much prettier when there's light in the room." Kenny grinned while examining me closely. Even though he kidnapped me, I have to admit that I did blush a little.

"Tell you what, if I let you go, will you join me?" Kenny raised an eyebrow, waiting for my answer.

Well, Kenny was pretty hot, and he did seem nicer than Will over here, but he did kidnap me, and I don't even know what I'm joining.

"Hold on, before I give you an answer, will someone please explain to me why I'm here, why you want Will, and what he means about a mission." I need to know everything before I can do anything. I really don't want to make clueless mistakes like I have in the past.

"Well, Willy boy is a spy, I mean we're all spy's, but he's the known good guy and I'm the known bad guy." Kenny rolled his eyes at the given stereotypes.

"Spy's?" I asked. We have spy's in this world?

"That's because you're trying to steal the throne!" Will shouted.

"Throne? Like the Prince's throne in England?" I asked another question, and was ignored again.

"Because I deserve to be the Prince!" Kenny adjusted his hair.

"How? You can't even train your own little minions right. They captured an innocent bystander because she's a clumsy fool and fell on top of me. She helped you basically, and now you kidnapped her." Will pointed out. True, that is true.

"To be honest, it wasn't really my doing since I only wanted you." Kenny then turned to me, "so I apologize for my stupid friends' work here." I nodded like it was ok, which it really wasn't but who cares.

Oh wait, me.

"Why do you want Will anyways?" I will not be ignored again.

"Him and his agency have been interfering with my plans, and since Will is the top spy there, I thought that if I captured him, the agency would give up and come find him, which gave me plenty of time to carry out my plan." Kenny explained. I nodded but I'm pretty sure I didn't get any of that.

"Well, you're wrong. They won't come after me." Will said.

"Hate to break it to you, but they know we have you, and I'm sure they've already started looking." Kenny shook his head in slight amusement.

"Anyways." Kenny turned to me again, "will you join me? I'll make you my Princess and future Queen."

I'm not a big fan of this guy anymore, knowing that he's evil, but Will needs to get out of here to stop him. I need to help, so I'm going too. I'll do whatever it takes.

"Yes." I answered, "I'll join you."

"Yes!" Kenny exclaimed.

"Seriously?" Will whined. "You want to be with him?"

"Well, unlike you, he's very kind to me and actually appreciates me." I was lying. I knew this guy didn't really care for me. I just had a plan, and that plan needs to stay in action.

"For real? Girl, he kidnapped you." Will explained.

"My names Ella, not girl, and like he said, it wasn't his doing." Kenny's guards came over and untied my hands, and then me, and I stood up, and wiped the dust off my pink sundress.

"Come here darling." Kenny said, waving me over. I walked over and sat down, allowing him to put his arm around me. I watched as Will rolled his eyes.

This is very amusing though.

"Sweetheart, your head." Kenny lightly touched the cut on my head, and I flinched as it stung.

"We should get this cleaned up right away! Guards, take Ella to her room and fix her head for me." Kenny ordered. Wait, I was being taken away? No! That's not part of my plan!

My eyes widened as I heard the order, and I quickly jumped up and away from the guards.

"That's ok!" I shouted, "I um- it's um fine." I half laughed and forced a fake smile on my face.

"Honey, your forehead is covered in dried blood." Kenny pointed out.

"What's a little blood, right?" I avoided eye contact, and concentrated on a gun that was lying on the table next to me. If I took this and threatened to shoot them, I could scare them into letting Will and I go!

This is probably the stupidest thing I could ever do, but it was worth it to get Will out, and allow everything to go back to normal for me.

I'm an idiot.

I quickly grabbed the gun and pointed it at Kenny. Kenny raised both his eyebrows at me.

"Untie him, or I'll- I'll shoot." I quickly glanced over at Will who seemed slightly impressed.

"Now!" I demanded, realizing that none of the guards had moved to untie him. One stepped out of line, but Kenny stopped him.

"Princess, put the gun down and I'll forget this ever happened." Kenny said, trying to negotiate his life.

"No! Untie him, and then I'll put the gun down, and you'll let us leave." I put on my serious face, showing him this wasn't up for discussion.

"You're a brave little thing aren't you?" Kenny chuckled.

"I'm being serious! Untie him!" I yelled.

"You untie him." His expression turned serious and cold, and his voice became a living nightmare.

I nodded, and walked over to Will, kneeling down in front of him. I placed the gun down next to me, and examined the ropes.

How do I do this?

"There's a pocket knife In my right pocket." Will said. I reached in his right pocket, and took out the knife. That's when a boot kicked my gun across the room. I looked up to see one of the guards. He grabbed my arm, and held me up above his head with one of his arms.

"You agreed to be mine, so you will indeed, be mine." Kenny said, smirking a bit.

"I don't think so." I said, right before I kicked the guard in the stomach with all my might. The guard dropped me and clenched his stomach. That's when I kicked him once more, sending him falling to the floor.

Ha! Take that!

Everybody in the room looked alarmed, including Will and Kenny. Even I was alarmed, sort of, because I didn't know any of that would of worked!

I picked up the gun once again, and loaded it this time.

"I'm untying Will, and if any of you pull another move like that again, I'll blow your heads off." I threatened.

♡ ♡ ♡

Sorry this chapter was so long! Most of them will be shorter, but there was a lot I wanted to do in this chapter.

Please continue to read and maybe leave a vote and comment for me :)

Thank you!

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