P3 - Chapter Twenty-three

Start from the beginning

"Shouldn't you tell Qibli what's going on?" Turtle asked. "So he can play along? I mean, you guys will still be dating and you can talk all you want at his house, but if he avoids you at school, that will be easier, won't it? And he won't be... he won't be as upset anymore."

"I... I will," I finally answered. "But not at school where Umber can overhear us. I'll tell him after school." I paused. "In fact, I'm going now."

"To tell him?" Turtle asked, seeming startled.

"No, silly," I said. "I'm going home. I don't think I can bear to see him so sad like that. If they ask where I went, you can tell them." I stood up and sighed, shoving my hands into my back pocket.

"Kinkajou is probably just as upset as Qibli is," Turtle said. "She really did like you guys as a couple. But she won't force it."

"I'm not actually breaking up with him, remember?" I said. "This is just temporary. Just until I get this all sorted out."

We didn't speak for a moment as I stared forward.

Should I just tell him now? What if Qibli thinks I'm actually breaking up with him and he goes and kisses another girl? I mean, every other girl has such a massive crush on him, so he could go out with anyone he'd like without much of an effort.

What if he realizes he never really liked me to begin with? What if he ghosts me for breaking his heart? What if he doesn't date me again, even after I tell him my reasoning?

What do I do then?

"She's going to tell a guardian," I said softly, trying to distract myself from my worrying thoughts. "Perhaps my dad. Or maybe Thorn."

"Miss Orchid?" Turtle asked. "Yeah, I figured. She has to tell someone. She doesn't have a choice."

"But she does," I cried before stopping. "Okay, you know what? Never mind."

"I think you should stay," Turtle quickly said as I started to walk away. "In school, I mean."

"What's the point?" I asked. "I can't bear to see Qibli again. And Winter will probably hate me now for hurting his best friend. And Kinkajou's also upset. And I cannot see Umber's stupid smug face."

"You won't need to," Turtle said. "I'll be there to help you. And I can skip any time you need me to. Besides, shouldn't Umber leave you alone now?"

I debated on it for a moment. Qibli and I only had one more class together, and I could hide from all of them during lunch, so it shouldn't be too hard.

And the school could fail me if I keep ditching. It's better if I stay.

"Alright," I finally said, giving in. "But I'm already warning you. It won't be a good day."


I could feel Qibli's gaze on me as I followed along in the textbook as Mastermind read. I wasn't actually paying attention, of course, but I couldn't help it. My mind was still whirling with worries and assumptions that I accidentally tore the corner of the textbook.

I winced as I quickly flattened it.

"So," Mastermind said. "You will go into pairs and work on this method. The safety goggles are in the cabinets over there and make sure to wear gloves. The explosions shouldn't be too big if you follow the recipe. I already picked out the pairs."

There was a loud groan that came from the students when he said that last part. I avoided Qibli's gaze as I finally looked up.

"So, the pairs are Luna and Blue, Cricket and Bog, Lynx and Snowfall, Icicle and Sora." I couldn't help but notice the way they glared at each other. "Glory and Sunny, Deathbringer and Tsunami, Riptide and Starflight, Anemone and Peril, Pike and Clay, and Qibli and Moon, since I know you two work well together." He sent us both a wink and I shrank back into my seat.

Girls around me whispered, "Doesn't he know they broke up?"

"Wow, that must be awkward."

"He's oblivious. Hilarious."

I sighed, mustered up all my willpower, and turned to face Qibli. He was already staring at me when I finally met his gaze.

"Um, l-let's work at the front table," I said hurriedly as I grabbed my stuff and stood up. Without waiting for his answer, I sat down at the front table and flipped through my textbook.

After a moment, Qibli finally joined me, but he didn't say anything, and when I chanced a glance at him, he avoided my gaze.

This should be fun.

Okay, Moon, you got this. Just explain to him and maybe he'll forgive you. Umber isn't here, so he shouldn't find out.

"Qibli." I forced his name past my lips, wincing at how pained that sounded. His gaze lifted to meet mine, a flicker of hope in his eyes. "I..."

"It's okay," Qibli said softly. "You don't have to explain."

I bit my lip wanting nothing more than to melt into a giant puddle of disappointment.

"We can't... date," I finally said after a moment. "At least, not in school. For now. I didn't have a choice–Umber was there and he threatened to tell the whole school, and I guess I just panicked–but I swear I don't actually want to break up because I would rather have the whole school know than lose you. And so Turtle helped me and I thought that maybe if I told you what happened, you would play along, and I don't want you to be upset because–"

"Wait," Qibli said, interrupting my rant. "Umber's behind this?" He was sitting up straighter as if the one missing piece of a puzzle he was working on finally clicked neatly into place.

"Y-yeah," I stammered. "And he told me to break up with you or he'd tell the whole school. I'm sorry, Qibli, I really am. I didn't mean to make you upset."

"I knew it," Qibli said, seeming to be in his own world at the moment. "That makes much more sense now that I think about it. Hm."

"Qibli?" I asked, and he finally turned to look at me. "Um, does that mean we can still be together?"

Qibli put on his most thoughtful expression and tapped his chin, pretending to think about it. "I'm not so sure," he joked.

I decided to play along, a small smile dancing on my lips. "Well, I hear Winter's still single, so I think I'll go and–"

"Alright, I'm convinced," Qibli said, grinning back, but I could tell he was relieved.

"I really am sorry, though," I said. "I shouldn't have done that."

"You had your reasons," Qibli said with a playful shrug. "It's fine, I promise. But I'll keep my distance from you at school until Umber gets off your back."

I wanted to throw my arms around Qibli and hug him for the rest of time. He had handled the situation much better than I expected, and I appreciated how understanding he'd been.

But I still can't tell the others until after school, just in case someone overhears us or Kinkajou screams in excitement too loud.

I suddenly sat up straighter, my whole face brightening.

You want to blackmail me, Umber?

Alright, fine. Two can play at that game.


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