The chair turned and I was met with cold green eyes and a gray haired man, not a single piece of hair out of place. It was the president of this messed up nation, President Bellator. He was dressed in a dark blue suit and reeked with the smell of some type of strong after shave. He gave me a smile that was completely forced, showing off his perfect white teeth.

"I've been told you got married about a month ago, am I correct?" He asked me like he actually gave a shit. Everyone knows if he even cared about the people in this country he would make sure we have food at affordable prices or maybe even if this marriage law shit is actually making us happy.

I gave him a quick nod then continued to look at him so he knew I wasn't happy I was forced to marry. I love Niall, don't get me wrong, I just don't love the fact I was forced to leave my family and marry him. My family still needs me even now, Doniya told me yesterday how hard it was to keep an income without me. But I was ripped from my life because of the laws set in place from rulers of his family and majorly enforced by him.

"Congratulations to you both. I hope you have a happy future together, but that's not why I'm here today. I was told by the Main that there was an incident at the train station the other day. Would you like to tell me more about this?" He asked me with an undertone that sounded like he completely knew what happened. I was feeling extremely bothered that I was here talking to this piece of shit instead of playing that fun game Niall brought up this morning, so I couldn't help but smart off to him a bit.

"Which incident, Sir? The one where my friend was shot in the head, or where the train carts nearly fell on four hundred and fifty-two men?" He raised one of his gray eyebrows at me, but I just sat back in my chair and waited for him to choose.

After the carts fell, I made the men leave in a single file line so I could count that all the men made it out of that. I found the sheets of paper we mark every morning and counted each person. To me every life is important whether I knew that man or not, I'm not like this looser of a president.

"Well since you brought both up, let's discuss them so you understand the reasoning behind them both. There is allot that it takes to run a country. There are larger towns in this country, then there are small ones like this one; like Bradford. Towns like this are the ones that need more attention in times when there is even a small thought of a rebellion. You're smart, I think that should make sense for your friend's unfortunate death." President Bellator told me, but I read between the lines of his words.

I heard the words he didn't want to say. He pretty much told me there was a rebellion brewing and he wasn't sure of how to stop it from becoming an actual storm.

"Now what I need for you is you're best behavior. It seems like you're just like your father and have this, what could I call it, this charm that makes everyone drawn to you. They watch you, they listen to you, they will do anything for you because they have an idea you have something for them. If you can behave well for me now, then nothing will happen to those four hundred and some men." He said, waving his hand at the number of men woking. I was going to sass back the exact number, but I bit my tongue and decided if he was going to threaten that many people's lives based on my behavior now would be a good time to start acting like a man and not the child I am.

"I'm glad we came to some understanding. I do hope you have a good day and I'm sorry for this bump in your morning." He said, standing up. I stood as well and offered him my hand to shake before I left. He lifted his other hand and I was greeted with a machanical hand. I looked up at him and he gave me a smirk.

"When your last name means worrier in Latin, sometimes you have to live up to it." President Bellator told me, then let go of my hand.

I left the room feeling a mix of anger as well as fear. Two officials took me down the same ways to get up to that room until I heard the most beautiful laugh ever. My feet started moving faster to get to it and I found Niall outside one of the holding rooms in a chair with his hands on some guy's pregnant stomach.

I stopped in my tracks and looked over the bloke. He had short brown hair that swept over his forehead. His eyes were lite up as he looked down at Niall's hands and his smile seemed to light up the room. Niall laughed again, making me smile even if I really didn't feel like smiling at the moment.

My Irish boy looked up and over to me and seemed like he wanted to come running to me, but the baby in the lads stomach seemed to occupy his attention a bit more.

"Zayn, it's kicking!" He cooed to me. I walked over and looked at the lad. He stuck his hand out to me and smiled.

"I'm Josh, you must be Zayn Malik. I've heard allot about you from my husband and your husband in the ten minutes I've been here." He laughed. I shook his hand while Niall took my other hand, placing it on the bump. I jumped when I felt a kick on my hand.

"Oh my god, that's adorable." I laughed lightly. Josh nodded and moved my hand to the other side where I got another kick.

"Either this baby had really long legs or there's two of them in there." I said, completely in awe of the little humans kicking my hands.

"It's twins. I just found out." He told me with the same smile. Both babies seemed to have stopped kicking so I removed my hands.

Niall and I both left the Tower with our hands laced together. Niall looked over at me when we got to the row of houses that led to our house. I knew he wanted me to tell him what happened in there, but part of me wanted to protect him from that.

"You don't have to tell me what happened, but I want to know if everything is going to be okay." Niall said when we walked through the front door.

I went to the bedroom and started to get ready for work as fast as I could. Niall came in and sat on the bed while I changed and used a wet cloth on my body. I looked over at him and saw him yawn, then smile at me a bit.

"Why are you so sleepy, Nialler?" I asked him after I got my jump suit on. He shrugged and reached his hands out to me. I walked over and heard the whistle blow for me to get to work.

"Everything will be okay. I'll keep you safe." I whispered to him, leaning down to kiss my beautiful husband. Niall's hand rested on my cheek, his fingers feeling my short beard I was growing.

"I like that." He mumbled against my lips. I smiled, then kissed his forehead before telling him to go back to bed so he wasn't tired anymore. He nodded and kissed me one more time before I left the house, wondering how it's possible for me to go from being afraid and angry to feeling like I was on cloud nine in love with my husband.

A/N: I feel like these chapters are just a roller-coaster of emotions and small important details. I hope you all like it, you will love the next chapter more than your moms! Comment / Vote!
                                       - Bri;)

Forced (Ziall Horlik )AU M-pregWhere stories live. Discover now