They took me outside into this already made up set, a red car was placed in front of what appeared to be a house with a small balcony and green scenery surrounding it and positioned me to the front of the car.

"And stare downward to the camera, give the appearance you're bigger than the camera." The photographer asked as I did as asked, the camera clicking rapidly as flashes went off every second.

"Hands move the hands." Someone ordered so I changed it around, waiting to see what appeared most natural.

All of the photos that were planned for today were sort of vintage feeling, the way my bun was positioned reminded me of the 1900s photos alongside the short wavy bobs.

It was definitely an interesting day.

"Yes we've got it! We've got it! The shot is here!" Alain bellowed as he kept his eyes on the photos coming through on the laptop.

The crew surrounded him as everyone tried to take a peek at the photo which was instantly sent to my iPhone, "Oh wow."

Evelyn. Wolff:

liked by 1,400,573 peopleEvelyn

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Evelyn. Wolff: pinch me moment. thank you so much @chanel what a dream this shoot has been! 🤍🤍🤍


Username736: trashyyyy

madisonbeer: oh my god beautiful

carmenmmundt: this is being framed immediately.

Mercedes: what car is that....

user5840: bro she's only skinny because she smokes an insane amount of weed

Charles 🙄
Couldn't have been sat on a Ferrari?

Stalking my Insta? 👀

Maybe, probably would've more if you were on a Ferrari

willing to donate me a Ferrari?

Charles 🙄

I always knew it was your dream to see a girl sat on the hood of your favourite car in a small bodysuit, funny.

Charles 🙄
you are my dreams brought into reality

Charles is the only thing that makes me truly smile, he doesn't know this and he never will.

Charles 🙄
When are you back in Monaco ev?

Im staying in the US, gonna go straight from New York to Miami tonight

Charles 🙄
Is the Ferrari paddock going to get a little visit or am I going to have to brave Toto?

God forbid.

Charles 🙄
We're all going karting tomorrow, you coming?

I forgot all about it, probably not. why?

Charles 🙄
Because it was the Mercedes team idea, not all the drivers can make it so we have some seats to fill and well yeah

I'm not allowed to race under my contract :(

Charles 🙄
What the hell

They can't really shoot with me if I seriously injure myself and it wouldn't be the first time I hurt myself in the car

Charles 🙄
They don't have to know?

Someone will tell my dad and then I'm done, I've betrayed his trust enough. Should've seen his face when I said I was racing strangers in Spain.

Charles 🙄
I'm sorry x

Don't be sorry, it's okay

Charles 🙄
It's not okay, I understand the contract thing Ev but your dad needs to know it wasn't your fault the crash was a freak accident, you shouldn't be banned from doing something you enjoy because of that

I killed someone.

Charles 🙄
Not intentionally you didn't.

It doesn't matter someone still died whilst I was driving the car.

Charles 🙄
I'm really fucking sorry Ev, when you told me on the boat I didn't have the words but I'm genuinely so sorry that this happened to you, you didn't deserve that. Not one bit.

thank you, seriously.

Charles 🙄
You need to be kinder to yourself nobody.

Not the nobody comment.

Charles 🙄
I mean you said it not me

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