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© 2023 felixnby
All rights reserved.

I do not allow translations or adaptations of this work without permission, please ask if you find interest in translating it or making an adaptation, however, it is not only for me to decide. A lot of work goes into creating these stories, so please do not do anything without my permission. Thank you.

Warning: This book will contain non-graphic depictions of violence, minor character deaths, mentions of abuse and (eventual) smut. If any of these make you uncomfortable, I highly suggest you do not read this story for safety reasons.

- If additional warnings apply to the chapter, it will be put at the top of the chapter. 
Smut will also be warned about before it happens, just like the other warnings.

Please note: This is not how I view the individual members of ATEEZ and never will. This is all pure imagination and fiction. Everything you read in this book is made up, and not real. Please keep that in mind when reading.

- This book is rated mature for the warnings above. 

- Hongjoong is 28 and Seonghwa is 25 in this story.

- My apologies for any spelling or grammar mistakes. English is not my first language and I am still learning, so please keep that in mind. Although I do not mind people pointing out mistakes, just remember to do it nicely.

Now, without further ado, enjoy and happy reading :D

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