Part One

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Emily Jackson and Bryce Dawson

Part One

Two months later

The entire pancake is covered in popped little bubbles, the perfect time to flip it. with absolute expert skills I slide the slotted spatula under the pancake, lift and turn it over. I grin, nodding along the music playing softly behind me.

There's just something about cooking choc chip pancakes on a Tuesday morning that feels right. Well I say that pretty much every day, there is not right or wrong day for cooking pancakes. I flip the other two pancakes in the pan before I reach for the plate of already cooked pancakes. These are the last three for the morning.

Any minute now the girls will be coming down the stairs to the delicious smell of my pancakes. My best friends. My roommates. The girls I'd be completely lost without. Nicola Turner, started out as Tia's study buddy during our first term at university until he boyfriend kicked her out because he cheated. He's a dick that thankful dropped out after the first term, something about not being able to handle the pressure. Insert eye roll here.

Tia Baker, my favourite wild child. Always keeps me on my toes and keeps things interesting, I love living through her when it comes to dating. And Nora Tyson, I wouldn't be here living with these amazing girls if I hadn't run into her on orientation day. I accidentally knocked the coffee out of her hand, offered to buy her another and one thing lead to another and here we are besties.

I turn the stove off, taking the pancakes out of the pan just as I hear footsteps coming down the staircase. The voices of Nicola and Tia hit me, their voices growing louder the closer they get.

"No but seriously, you need to try it. Perfect balance of salty and sweet." Tia says.

Nicola shakes her head looking mildly horrified at Tia's suggestion. "You're out of your mind. Oh my god, yes, see real food."

I hand her a plate as she rounds the bench wrapping her arms around my waist. She kisses my check, resting her chin on my shoulder. "Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?" she grins.

I laugh, nodding. "You tell me all the time."

She laughs, straightening up off my shoulder. "Good, I'll continue reminding you until the end of time." She throws several pancakes onto her plate, reaching for the maple syrup before rounding the island counter to sit down on a stool.

Tia already has a mouthful of pancakes, plopping down at the island counter. She loads more pancakes onto her plate. I grab a few for myself, eyeing the stack I just finished cooking as it almost evaporates.

"Are we still on for this afternoon? Four o'clock?" Nicola asks.

I nod. "Yeah, I'll meet you at the trail."

Today's Tuesday which means it's running day. The only day of the week I go running and I've roped Nicola into joining me. She doesn't know the real reason we go running on the trail behind the university, and as far as I'm aware she's yet to figure it out.

Every Tuesday at four he's running that trail, like clockwork. Bryce Dawson, my ex-boyfriend and current bean flicking inspiration. The good kind of bean flicking.

I accidentally stumbled upon this information about three months ago, him running the uni trail every Tuesday at four. I've been running the same trail every Tuesday with Nicola to get new inspiration for bean flicking sessions. I don't know what possessed me to think of Bryce during those sessions, it just happened one day, and it startled me so much I didn't do it for a whole week. The bean flicking, I mean.

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