Part One

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Nora Tyson and Tyler Knight

Part One

The urge to giggle is far to strong, I'm worried the bubbly sound is going to slip out of my mouth any second now. I cannot afford for that to happen at any cost. Every single footstep I take down this hallway towards his bedroom door is silent but deadly. Tyler Knight shall always mourn the day he chose to start this war with me.

I at least had an excuse for my start in this. Six months ago I was dared by Jason, his best friend, to steal all of his pillows and bring them to the lounge room as proof I'd done so. It was the easiest dare I'd ever been given before. I hadn't seen Tyler all night, as far as I knew he was out with his new girlfriend instead of partying with his house mates.

I'd grabbed a garbage bag from the kitchen and raced upstairs to collect the surprising amount of pillows for a guy, eight if you're wondering. Granted only three of them were on the bed but still a large amount for a guy. I only have four pillows, what is he doing with the rest of them?

Anyway that's aside from the point, the point is I needed a second garbage bag so I raced downstairs and got one. Upon returning to the room and stuffing the rest of the pillows into the bag he emerged from his bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. I squealed, he yelled. I ran out of there faster than I ever thought possible in heels.

I presented the two garbage bags of pillows to Jason and the rest of the lot playing truth or dare. Little did I know Jason only dared me to do that as a way of getting back at his best friend for being a dick and bailing on him. I should've known I was just being used as a pawn.

I spent the rest of the night avoiding Tyler like the plague and drinking. Every time I saw him enter the same room as me I was gone, bailing like he had the plague and was seconds away from giving it to me.

He took that and ran with it. After spending the next day in the library hungover and trying to study I came home to my mattress missing. I couldn't help but laugh when I realised it was gone. He'd gone to the trouble of making my bed as if the mattress was still there. That was my first clue something was wrong, I never make my bed properly.

I retaliated that night by taking his mattress and thus started the prank war between Tyler and I. tonight marks the six month anniversary of me stealing his pillows, the fateful dare that started all of this. I'd also like to mention it's the six month anniversary of unintentionally switching mattresses with him. I still have his mattress on my bedframe, and mine on his.

Thankfully the mattress no longer smells like him.

Tonight, I'm in the middle of cling wrapping his entire doorframe. I can't stop the ridiculous smile on my face as I imagine all the different ways, he might encounter this little trap when he wakes in a few short hours.

The urge to giggle loudly has returned, it takes all my energy to restrain the urge. It takes an awful amount of concentration to resist giggling and rolling the clingwrap slowly to not make a lot of noise. I don't think I really thought this one out too well but none the less, we're committed now.

"Um...Nora? What are you doing?"

The voice behind me startles me, as it should. I'm in someone else's house doing things I'm not supposed to be doing. I cover my mouth to muffle the squawk slipping pass my lips. Jason is fresh out of bed, his brown hair standing up in every direction. He yawns, running a hand through the wild strands. My gaze dips down to find him shirtless and only wearing boxers.

Jason is on the university basketball team and its done wonderous things for his physique. I'm sure if I wasn't crushing on Tyler or in the midst of a prank way I'd be totally obsessed with him.

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