Part Four

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Part Four

The rest of my week has been uneventful. I've barely seen Bryce since he found me outside the coffee hut, telling me he knew I flicked my bean to him. even though I'm mostly over Nora spilling the beans I've been subtle punishing her. I've made pancakes twice this week and I've made sure there is none left for her, she's taking the punishments well. In fact, she's holding her head high and accepting it.

She has been sliding apology notes under my door the past two days, several times a day. She's making plans for me, asking me to keep my Saturday night free for whatever she has planned. Nicola and Tia have asked what happened but neither of us have filled them in. I'm not ready to spill the beans to the girls about Bryce yet. It comes with a lot of baggage, like telling them the whole truth about Bryce.

I think Tyler knows though. I'm sure Nora gave him the whole low down that I gave her a couple months ago. I don't know how I feel about Tyler knowing my secret, but I also don't think he's told Bryce he knows.

Today I'm rewarding myself with extra choc chip pancakes and spending the morning pool side. I completed my essay just in time even with everything going on, both in my head and in reality. It took a lot of concentration to work on the essay and not spiral into a stress ball because Bryce knew I flick my bean to him.

Nora is the first one to join me for breakfast this morning, odd considering she isn't exactly a morning person. She always sleeps in, misses alarms and without Tia bugging her she'd probably miss early classes too.

Her smile is suspiciously wide today, both her hands holding something behind her back. She straightens when she spies me standing over the fry pan. I'm on my last batch of pancakes having decided I'm allowing her to eat some this morning.

"Good morning, Emily." She greets, taking a few steps towards me.

"What are you holding behind your back?" I ask.

She lifts a shoulder. "Oh nothing, just a little something I got you. Here." She pulls whatever it is behind her forward, sliding it onto the counter near me.

I stare at the bunch of flowers, the bright sunny yellow petals of sunflowers staring up at me. Mixed in with the sunflowers are white daisies. She slides a bucket of m&m's next to the flowers and widens her smile impossibly further.

"My apology flowers and chocolate. Today I am spoiling you in hopes of forgiveness." She explains, wrapping her arms around me.

I drop the spatula on the counter and let her hug me, squeezing her back just as tightly. Of my friends Nora gives the best hugs. She puts her entire effort into it, squeezing you so tight you just feel all the love pouring out of her and into you. How could I ever be so mad at her for anything?

"I've already forgiven you." I tell her.

She pulls back, staring at me. "I'm still spoiling you." She warns, rounding the counter to sit down on the stool. "Can I?" she points to the plate of pancakes.

I nod. "I made enough for you today." I grab the spatula and take the last couple of pancakes out of the fry pan. I turn the stove off and sit next to her.

"You're the best. Oh, by the way Tyler is taking you to lunch today, be ready around like one-ish."

I raise a brow. "Tyler's taking me to lunch? Why?"

She grins, slicing all of her pancakes up. "He feels a little bad about knowing and I roped him into it. I need you out of the house for a little while."

I've never really spent time alone with Tyler. He's always been devoted in his interests in pranking Nora or being with his friends. We're nice to each other but I've never been alone with him. I'm kind of worried about spending time alone with him. What are we going to talk about?

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