Part Seven

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Part Seven

I'm royal fucked. I've opened a can of worms I don't think I can even think about attempting to close. I can't even bring myself to come out of my bedroom today. I've sent emails to my lecturers saying I'm sick and unable to attend class today. That's how scared and tortured I am about leaving my bedroom. I'm even fearful of going to the bathroom.

I can't even use my logic of if you don't address it, it will go away. I highly doubt Bryce is going to go away and let this be. The look in his eyes confirmed it before I hide inside the house like a coward last night. I have myself to thank tough. Pat on the back for me.

My watch tells me it's almost three o'clock in the afternoon, I'll need to show my face soon. You know let everyone know I'm alive and not dead in my bedroom from being a coward. Maybe I should talk to someone, see if someone else thinks what I did was cowardly. Nora! I can talk to her about Bryce, she might even be able to help me figure out what exactly Bryce might have been talking about.

I'm saying I shouldn't have let you break up with me. It was the worst decision of my life letting you go.

I know what it means plain as English but I'm not entirely sure he was thinking logically. He was drunk and high just like I was. He probably regrets all of it, the kiss and the confession. I throw my sheet off and launch myself off the bed. I grab my silk robe and slip into it and out of my bedroom.

I can hear Nicola downstairs in the lounge room. I peer over the railing; she's talking to the TV. I move away before she can sense someone watching her and walk over to Nora's closed door. I'm about to knock when I realise Tyler could be over. They could be in there doing...things.

I drop my hand and turn back to my bedroom. It can wait. I can wait. "It will just drive you insane." I mutter to myself, shaking my head. I turn back to the door and knock a few times.

"Come in." Nora calls. I push the door open slightly and peer inside. She's fully dressed and walking towards me. She smiles. "Hey, what's up?"

I slip into the room properly and close the door, flicking the lock so we won't be interrupted. "I need to talk to you about something."

"" she trails off, looking over her shoulder.

I look beyond her and realise Tyler is laying in her bed. He's fully clothed too which means I haven't interrupted anything. Thank goodness. He's out of the bed in a flash. "It's cool, I can head off anyway."

"Actually...maybe you help me too." I say, lifting my shoulders. I mean Tyler and I did talk about Bryce a little bit at the arcade, he might be able to provide helpful advice. You know a guys prospective and all that. Plus, he already knows about Bryce and I.

He frowns. "It's not a girl thing, right?"

I shake my head, looking at Nora's surprised face. "Not's's actually a Bryce thing."

They both make surprised noises. "Did something happen?" Tyler asks, breaking the silence first.

Nora looks at her boyfriend before looking back at me startled. " want Tyler's advice?"

"Well, I mean he already knows the situation and we kind of spoke about it already." I shrug like it's not big deal.

Nora gasps. "When? Oh my god, babe you're one of the girls." She moves to pinch Tyler's cheek. He bats her hand, moving back to the bed.

"A guy's perspective might help, and you are friends with Bryce." I offer.

Tyler nods, giving Nora a see? look. Nora giggles before she climbs into the bed next to him. They both stare at me, waiting and I suddenly feel like a kid standing in front of the class to present a speech. "The floor is yours." Nora says, sweeping her hand out towards me.

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