Part Seven

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Part Seven

I slam my bedroom door shut, locking it and fall back against it. The coldness makes me squawk as it hits my bare back. Seconds later I'm used to the sensation. I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I mutter to myself.

What did I do? I just kissed Tyler Knight. I just grabbed him and kissed him. What have I done? Lord. At least in my defence I didn't actually know it was him. I did say I was going to kiss the next guy I saw and I damn well did. I actually kissed him several times, I even shushed him.

I cover my mouth to stop the laughter from bubbling out. I shushed him! Then proceeded to kiss him again, clearly displaying I was enjoying myself. God, how am I going to talk myself out of this one? Perhaps I can pack my bags and skip town, I'll never look back.

I think about my friends and the fact I'm beyond the halfway point of my studies. I can't leave all that behind just because I kissed a guy. A guy you really like!

A loud knock on my door startles me. The wood vibrates against my back sending a spark of terror down my spine. I turn to face the door wondering who on earth is banging on my bedroom door. Oh god did Tyler follow me?

"Nora, we need to talk."

Ugh, its Dexter. I groan, shaking my head. He is never going to get the message is he. Oh god. What am I going to do? I left my phone at the boy's house so I have no way of reaching anyone for help. I can go out my window and hope Dexter doesn't realise before I get away.

I'm afraid I need to enlist the help of the guys to get rid of Dexter. I also don't care how exactly they do it now, Dexter has pushed me over the caring edge.

I turn to face my window and let out a scream as I realise someone is already coming in through the window. I'm being surrounded! They're coming in through the window and banging on my door. God.

"Calm down, it's just me, Nora." Tyler lifts his hands up innocently.

"Tyler?" he straightens up so I can see all of him. "What the fuck?" I hiss.

"You took off before I could say anything." He drops his hands.

The kiss replays in my head and I gulp. "I shushed you." I mutter.

He grins, nodding. "Yeah, you did. About that-"

I shake my head, covering my ears. "I'm sorry okay, I wasn't kissing you just...just the next guy that came along. Dexter won't leave me alone and it was the only thing I could think of in that moment."

Tyler frowns. "What?"

"The guy can't take a hint, I was going to hide in one of your rooms until he left me alone. Then I was going to seek your help to get him to get the message."

"He won't leave you alone? Nora, how long has this been going on for?" Tyler walks forward as Dexter knocks on the door again.

"Not long, it's only been super bad tonight."

He gives me a look before pulling his phone out. He types away madly before shoving his phone back in pocket. "Jason's on his way."

I look at the door as Dexter knocks again. "Nora, I just want to talk."

I walk away from the door, leaning against the wall across from my bed. Tyler moves away from the door, sitting down on the edge of my bed. His mattress. I watch him curiously as he fiddles with jeans, picking at imaginary lint.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

Tyler looks up at me, his hand stopping. "I'm not."

I frown. "You're not?" What does he have to be sorry for anyway? He's not the one going around kissing random people. Well, he's not really a random person but still, that was my intent.

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