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Damian was exhausted, the only thing he wanted to do was crawl into his bed and sleep for 12 hours, but he couldn't show his weakness to his family. All three of his older brothers were on patrol with his father and he was currently stuck at home, grounded. His father was punishing him after his last patrol. Damian huffed for the hundredth time that night waiting for his family to return.

"Master Damian, it is long past your bedtime. I must insist you head up to bed at once." Alfred called from the top of the secret entrance to the bat cave.

"I am not a child, Pennyworth, I do not need a bedtime." Damian yawned.

"Your father will not be happy when he gets home." The butler huffed walking back into the mansion.

"I am not a child." Damian yawned again looking at the clock, it was midnight. His father wouldn't be home until around one am. Damian settled into the chair in front of the bat computer. He decided to check a few CCTV cameras to see if he could find any member of his family. He was so tired, and he could feel himself dozing off until the roar of the batmobile and his brother's bikes woke him up. 'Finally.' Damian thought jumping down to meet his family.

"Hey, baby bat! What are you doing up?" Dick smiled walking behind Bruce.

"Damian, why are you still awake?" Bruce asked the moment he saw his son walking towards him.

"Don't call me that, Grayson." The boy growled. "I was waiting for you, father."


"I would like you to reconsider letting me out on patrol."

"Awe, little demon not happy about being left behind?" Jason mocked, pulling off his helmet, Tim laughed beside him. The boy just glared at his brothers.

"We could talk about that in the morning, you should have been in bed hours ago."

"I am not a child, father, I was trained by-" he yawned. "The League of Assassins, I can stay up for days."

"That's not the point. And you are a child, you're ten years old." Bruce replied walking past the boy to the locker room to change. He ruffled the boy's hair as he passed.


"No buts, Damian." Bruce replied pulling off his gear and slipping on a white t-shirt and sweatpants. "Tim, change first, then type up your report." Bruce called to his son who had headed straight for the bat computer.

"Father, as you can see, I am capable of staying awake for patrol." Damian argued as Bruce walked to put his suit in the laundry to be washed.

"Staying awake was never the problem, following orders was. How can I take you on patrol and trust that you'll follow orders when you can't even follow your bedtime?" Damian blushed hearing his brothers snicker behind them. "Your bedtime is 9:30 on school nights and 11:00 on weekends. What time is it now?" the man asked casually moving to the bat computer.

"TT." Damian looked away.

"What time is it now?" Bruce repeated in his 'Batman' voice sitting in the chair.

"One." Damian sighed.

"One, that's two hours past your bedtime. Did Alfred tell you to go to bed?" Bruce asked, crossing his arms over his chest.


"How many times?" Bruce went on as his older sons came out of the locker room, talking loudly. Damian looked over at them and watched as they put away their weapons. "Damian, how many times did Alfred tell you to go to bed?" he asked again.

"Five." He whispered, lowering his head.

"What was that?"

"Five times." He said louder, looking up at his father. Bruce sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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