chapter one hundred and twenty six

Start from the beginning

Shotaro smiles. "No."

"I'm sorry!"

"What's this?" Johnny asks, looking at the basket.


"Can I eat one?"

"You can eat all of them."

Johnny doesn't waste a second to take out a brownie, unwrap it, and begin eating it. "This is delicious. Thank you."

"The old lady who made them will be happy to hear that."

"What's with you getting baskets of food from old people?"

Jaehyun shrugs. "It just happens."

Definitely not because they can tell I'm a love-struck idiot

"Well, I appreciate it. Now, here, have one."

Jaehyun picks up the brownie, unwraps it, and takes a bite. "These remind me of my grandmas."

"I love your grandma."

"She loves you too. She told me to make sure I keep you and Mark." Jaehyun grows serious as he asks, "How am I doing?"

The question catches Johnny off-guard but he puts his brownie down and thinks about it. "You still have me. You're doing good at keeping me."

"Oh, am I now?"

Johnny sighs. "It's okay that you didn't like me back before and that you needed time to process my feelings. I don't blame you for that. I just don't understand you right now and I needed time to process. I would've came back to you."

"But you hate that you do that."

"I hate that where romantic feelings are involved. But now..."

"Now?" Jaehyun presses, softly.

"You might make me stop hating it."

Why does he have to look so pretty right now? Jaehyun wonders, hoping Johnny doesn't notice how quickly his heart is beating.

"We should hangout with Mark soon", Jaehyun says, changing the topic.

"He said he'd punch us if we don't."

"It's cute that he thinks he's threatening."

Johnny laughs. "He'd be so annoyed if he heard you."

"One moment", Jeno calls to the customer standing at the counter. A few seconds later, he appears at the register and smiles until he realizes who it is. "Sam?"

"That reaction is a little insulting." Seeming unfazed, the woman smiles. "Hi."

"Um", Jeno glances at the display case, "what would you like?"

Sam recites her order from her phone, gaining Jenos curiosity. When she's done, she chuckles at the males expression. "You might not enjoy this."


"You'll see."

Jeno sighs and gives her the receipt before going to get her cookies and make her drinks.

While he's busy doing that, he doesn't notice Ana and Lyssa walk in and see them approach Zoe. By the time Sams order is ready, the two are seated with Zoe standing at the table, all staring at where Sam is.

"That expression makes me nervous", Jeno says right before giving Sam some napkins.

"You'll be okay."

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