Battle of Yokohama

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Central Communications Center, Joint Staff Office, Ichigaya, Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo

The news of the Fusō and the retrieval of the hostage was quickly delivered to the Joint Staff Office. At the Central Communications Center, a celebration was taking place.

"Transmission from Yokosuka! The hostage was rescued, the Demi-Human Liberation Front was suppressed, and the main suspect, Takuya Yumenaga, was secured. The Fusō has crash-landed in Tokyo Bay!"


The leader of the place, Major General Ando, pumped his fist without being afraid of being seen. Other personnel were also showing their joy with gut poses and high-fives. However, a report soon came in that dampened the mood.

"...A huge dragon has escaped from Fusō's crash-landing site and was headed for Yokohama! It's flying low over the city and heading north!"


Ando's complexion changed. The incident was not over yet.

. . .

Over southern Kantō

Two UF-3 Universe Zero fighters took off from Atsugi Air Base where their radar picked up a dragon flying at low altitude. The situation was more than sufficient to shoot it down, but neither the pilots nor the command center at Atsugi Air Base was ready to attack because they were concerned about the damage to the surrounding houses caused by the debris from the missiles that hit it directly and the dragon that crashed on the ground.

"...The dragon will soon reach the sky over Yokohama. It will continue to fly at a low altitude of about 30 meters."

On the ground, residents who wanted to catch a glimpse of the angry dragon were causing a bit of a commotion. This was making the Imperial Armed Forces more and more hesitant to attack. The administration was calling for immediate evacuation through town broadcasts, but onlookers refused to move out of the way.

. . .

Ryuji's home in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture

The betrayal of his brother, the kidnapping of his family, and the sudden attack on the naval base... Ryuji was frustrated by all of this, but he sat on the sofa in silence, waiting for the cell phone in front of him to start ringing.


At that moment, a call came in on his phone. The display showed the name of a teacher at Teru's high school. Ryuji immediately picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

"Hey there... we were able to save Teru Kadoma-san safely. We are taking her to the hospital now."

"...Thank you so much!"

Ryuji felt as if his back was melted. He felt as if he could break the threads of tension because he could get his beloved family back. Aoi, the advisor of the Astronomy Club, had contacted Ryuji as Teru's guardian the moment he received the order from the government to go out. He said, "We will definitely rescue her ourselves." He did not give details, but told them to stand by until then. After receiving the instructions, Ryuji managed to persuade his parents' home and his grandfather to buy enough time for Teru to be rescued. Finally, Teru's rescue came.

"...But your big brother has transformed into a dragon and flew to Yokohama. There are Air and Space Forces deployed there, but they are hesitant to attack because they are worried about the collateral damage to the city."

"...What did you say!?"

The Demi-Human Liberation Front was annihilated by the vampires, but there was one who escaped. Ryuji's brother, Ryoichi, had gone north on his own to attack Yokohama.

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