Almost everyone raises their hand alert from Madelyn who just rolls her eyes

"What about you Mads?" Mark asks

"She's fine, but there's someone I like more" she replies giving Lexie a slight nudge

Lexie smiles at Madelyn

"Well, Julia likes you a lot-" Mark says to Madelyn

"I think I'll update the parents" Lexie says not wanting to hear anymore about Julia

"Hunt, they're clearly racing" Arizona says

"No racing" Owen says probably just to shut Arizona up

"We're not racing"

"We have been rehearsing this for months, and now they're gonna jeopardize the patient because..."

Owen interrupts her "Robbins, you take care of your team. I'll look at the big picture"

"Done" they both say at the same time

"I win. And by that, we mean ready for the colon resection"


"Race you there"

They both run out of the OR

Children, actual children

"General surgery teams, let's go" Owen orders


"Damn it. Spinal dermoid cyst. It's all tangled up in the spinal root" Derek says

"Yeah, there's a lot of scarring in there. I don't see a clean approach" Callie says

Arizona interrupts "Well, no, well, you have to take it out because the cyst could become malignant"

"Yes, we're aware. Thank you" Callie replies

"Maybe if I can come in from an angle ... like this, but then we risk the contents spilling out ... "

Arizona interrupts again "Which could cause a chemical meningitis"

"Dr. Robbins, we've got this" Madelyn says

"Okay, what if we stretch the nerve root here?"

"Well, that might paralyze Brandi" Arizona interrupts again

"We know" Madelyn snaps

"Yes, Brandi might end up paralyzed. Yeah, no one understands that better than we do, which is why we will be making this decision, okay? Us. Not you. Us. You all right with that?" Callie says

"Just make sure ... you" But Arizona stops talking when she sees Callie's face "I ... Yes, I'm okay with that"

"No more talking from anyone in this O.R. We need complete silence from now on" Derek silences everyone


"Okay, we're ready for the final cut. Madelyn would you like to do the honours?" Derek asks

"Wha- Yeah, yes, of course. Thank you" Madelyn prepares herself and makes the final cut flawlessly, the OR erupts with applause

"All right. Separation complete" Callie says

Derek stops the applause "No, no, no, no, no. Not yet, not yet. We still need to check on the motor function. Let's do ... 2 milliamps of stimulation on Andi first, please. All right. All right. Let's try Brandi now. 2 milliamps of stimulation. Let's go up to 3 milliamps, please. Come on, Brandi."


"Just give us some kind of movement. Anything. All right. Let's go to 4 milliamps of stimulation"

After a moment Brandi moves "Hey, there you go"

Everyone applauds again, including baby Zola in the gallery

"All right. Good job Mads. Great work, everyone" Derek says


After the long but successful surgery and a nice warm shower Madelyn grabs a bottle of red wine and a bowl of popcorn and takes a seat on the couch flicking through the tv channels.

After a moment someone joins her and grabs a handful of popcorn

"Oh, hey. How've you been? I haven't seen you all day." Madelyn asks

"I've been alright, I saw you did the final cut" April says

"Yeah, I'm surprised he let me do it. Where were you all day?"

"With Teddy, who is torturing Cristina-"

"-By making her talk Teddy through Henry's surgery step by step. Yeah, I know" Madelyn sighs

"It's wrong"

"I know" Madelyn sighs again "Want to join me, i'm trying to find a movie and we're definitely due a movie night"

"I'd love too. Oh and, i've got the perfect movie. Stay here" April says as she runs off to her room

"The notebook?" Madelyn whines when she sees April coming back dow the stairs

"Yes! The notebook! How can you not like the notebook?" the redhead asks

"I hate romantic movies"

"I know, but I love them. So I know you'll watch it anyway"

"What makes you think that?" Madelyn questions curiously

"Well, will you?" April asks

Madelyn thinks for a moment "Yes, but not because of you, because i've got wine and popcorn"

"Okay" April says with a huge smile on her face as she takes her seat next to Madelyn who offers the girl a glass of wine and some popcorn

Madelyn didn't enjoy the movie at all, but you wouldn't be able to tell, not with the sound of her's and a certain in redheads heartfelt laughter that echoed throughout the house. And in all honesty she knows she'd watch romantic movies every night if it meant she got to spend time with the redhead.

It's always been you, April KepnerWhere stories live. Discover now