Chapter - 15 Will the past be repeated?

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Sky was shocked as Phai backed from the kiss and he looked at Phai in confusion.

Phai - Sky, you are still sick.

Sky understood Phai's feelings and felt happy that Phai was really caring about him. Sky pulled Phai towards the bed and slept on Phai's chest.

Phai smiled and held Sky more closer to him.

Later at mid night, Phai heard some strange sounds and woke up. He saw Sky was still asleep.

Phai didn't leave Sky as he was afraid something might happen to him. He was ready to attack the enemy if there was someone. He remembered Porsche telling something back before leaving for Korea.



Porsche - I think you guys will be attacked tonight.

Phai - Why are you so sure of it Pa?

Porsche - Because Gun is back in Thailand.

Phai - what do you mean?

Porsche - Listen Phai, during the time when you went abroad to recover from your break up , there was an incident. It's more like a tragedy.

Phai - what happened Pa?

Porsche - It's not something you should care about. But I want you both to be careful. If something happens, you will immediately inform me or your dad. And mainly I want you to keep sky out of danger. I don't Sky to face any trouble.

Phai - Okay Pa. As you say.

Kinn - Here, take this pistol for your safety. And please make sure sky isn't hurt in anyway.

Phai - Okay Dad.


Phai made sure Sky was deep in sleep and made his way out.

After few minutes Sky woke up finding Phai was not beside him. Sky started calling Phai and checked in the bathroom. But he was no where to be found. When he opened the door and came out in search of Phai, he heard the voice which gives him shivers and makes him loose control.

Gun - Hello Nong Sky

Sky turned towards the voice and tried to run away from him. But he was caught by other people who were hired by Gun to get Sky.

Sky - please leave me. P' Gun I didn't do anything. Please leave me.

Gun - I told you to stay away from P'Phai. But you never listened to me. I think the warning I gave you last time was not enough. I need to teach you again.

Sky - P' Gun please leave me. Please.

Gun - Shut his mouth and drag him out.

Gun's men started doing as per his instructions.

Gun came forward and held Sky by his chin and said - let's go. It's been a long time since I played a game with you.

Sky was forcefully dragged by Gun's men. As soon as they entered the entrance area to take Sky out of the mansion. They heard a voice calling Gun.

Phai - Did you forgot to say hi to me Gun?

Gun turned to look at voice but by the time he turned around, a punch was thrown on his face and he fell down.

Phai - if you care about your safety, leave him there alone and run. Don't forget that you are in Theerapanyakuls mansion.

Hearing the name of Theerapanyakuls, the people hired by Gun panicked and ran away.

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