Keep Your Enemies Closer Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Oliver, what if something happens to you or Ashley in there? What happens to me, Tommy, Felicity, or Isabel, for that matter? You two have to be on the outside making the moves."

"You can't go in there alone, Dig," I said.

"Then, I'll go," Tommy offered.

"You're most definitely not going."

"Why not? Diggle's right, you and Oliver need to make the moves outside. I can help Diggle anyway I can -"

"I said no." I leaned closer to whisper to him, "Tommy, I already almost lost you once. I'm not letting you risk your life to go in there."

"And you think the same thing doesn't apply to you? Our parents are gone, Ash. You're the only person I have left that matters to me. You've seen me train."

"I still say no."

"Then imagine this. If you were stuck inside that prison with no way out." Tommy glanced behind me. "I won't hesitate to find a way to get you out of there and I know Oliver would do the same." I looked toward Oliver, who nodded in agreement. Tommy grabbed my hand. "I can do this. And I'll feel a lot better knowing you're out there."

I glanced at Tommy before looking at Oliver and Diggle, all three of them were waiting for my answer. I let out a breath before nodding to Anatoly and giving Tommy the ok.


Felicity stared at the huge bag of drugs Anatoly gave us.

"Now that is a lot of drugs," Felicity said.

"Courtesy of Knyazev," Tommy stated. He looked at Oliver and smirked. "We could have used these back in the day."

"It's enough weight to land me and Tommy in the Koshmar," Diggle continued.

Felicity walked over to the table and grabbed two coats. She handed them to Tommy and Diggle. "You need to be wearing this when they process you. Guards will take it, but that's the point."

"Oh, so, it's not just to add more style to my look," Tommy joked.

Felicity laughed as she pulled up her tablet and showed the picture of the guard. " Knyazev's man inside the prison. A guard."

"He'll know where in the Gulag Lyla is being held," Oliver informed them.

"When all hell breaks loose, you two need to meet us at the rendezvous point with Lyla or..."

"Or we are a permanent Russian," Tommy concluded. "If we stay there long enough, you think we can speak Russian like you guys."

I rolled my eyes. "Tommy -"

He held his hands up. "Ok, I'll stop."

Felicity looked at all of us before voicing her concern. "Just thinking out loud...But, are we sure this is the best plan we can come up with? I know Lyla's your friend, but..."

Diggle zipped up the bag and said, "Felicity, Lyla isn't my friend. She was my wife."

My eyes widened at the news. "Oh, wow," Tommy and I gasped.

"Lyla and I met in the army back in Afghanistan. But we didn't stay married long once we got stateside." Diggle took in a breath. "Couldn't figure out a way to stay married without a war to fight. So she joined ARGUS and...I circled back for my third tour. I can't leave here without her, Felicity. I just can't."

Oliver's phone rang. He picked it up and glanced at the message before shaking Diggle's hand. "Two minute warning," he said.

I went over and hugged Tommy. "Stay safe." I looked over to Diggle, just as Felicity finished tying his tie. I removed one hand from Tommy and held my fist up to him. "I hope you find her, Dig."

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