Chapter 126

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Chapter 126: Shades of Wisdom

"Gellert!" Wulfric called, jogging over, unsheathed sword still in his hand.

"Didn't your mother tell you not to run with big sharp objects," Bellatrix asked with a smirk.

Wulfric grinned."Probably."

"Yes, what is it," Gellert asked, directing his attention to Wulfric.

"I was thinking we should burn the sword... Or rather that Loughness should, because elves can really burn the fuck out of shit."

"That's Dumbledore's son talking with that mouth," Rabastan said happily.

"Yeah, isn't it bloody brilliant," Rod asked. Leaning back in his chair, he grinned at Wulfric, as if the red haired young man were there just to entertain him.

"I mean, I like the sword a lot, and I want Graven to make me another... It's just that I don't want this one to exist anymore after it's been in her," Wulfric said. "Graven could probably mend the blade, but now that it's gotten Delphini's Horcrux gunk into it I just won't ever enjoy using it. Plus, it honestly feels safer to just get rid of it and anything else to do with her entirely."

Blaise nodded, giving Wulfric a, for him, warm smile. "At times, paranoia is often the way to go. It's kept my family alive and thriving for many years."

Wulfric smiled back. "I just wanted to get Gellert's okay in case you lot had some use for it I hadn't considered. I didn't want to mess anything know." He shrugged awkwardly.

"Your instincts are brilliant," Gellert told Wulfric. "Have Loughness burn the hell out of it."

"So... Is that sword supposed to be some Excalibur or something," Arthur asked as Wulfric waved happily to Loughness, who was standing across the room, talking with his twin and a goblin.

"Hopefully not or it probably won't burn," Rodolphus replied. "A goblin girl made this one recently, and the Faerie king Oberon was said to have crafted Arthur's sword as a favor to a fellow fae, Vivian, the Lady of the Lake. If Excalibur is still around it's probably in that godforsaken black lake now."

"What black lake," Arthur asked and the three Lestranges exchanged a meaningful look.

"We're going to have a long night once we get home," Rabastan said."We have lots of shit to explain to you."

Arthur grinned. "Great! Because I have lots of questions."

Bellatrix smiled approvingly. "Good. Because you'd be stupid if you didn't."

Arthur chuckled. "I strive not to be stupid."

Loughness approached, and Wulfric extended the sword, hilt first. "Grindelwald is good with us getting rid of it."

Loughness plucked the sword from his hand and tossed it into the air with a flick of his wrist. His face was calm and businesslike. As soon as the hilt left his hand, the entire thing burst into flames that heated the entire room to an uncomfortable degree.

Concerns for their safety had Bellatrix rising and opening her mouth to instruct everyone to get outside. The fire vanished in around three seconds, though. There was no trace of the sword, not even ash.

"I love watching that shit every time," Graven said with a satisfied sigh.

The room was already beginning to cool down. With the last trace of Delphini's existence now gone, the fact she was truly dead was starting to sink in for Bellatrix. It had previously but on a superficial level. This felt even more definite and less dream-like, which was good. At last she felt her own body finally relaxing from the inside, beginning with the emotions.

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