Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Queen of the Quills

Despite the looming Delphini threat, Bellatrix woke in better spirits. Her improved mood only lasted as long as it took her and Rod to get dressed and make their way down to the breakfast table, however. Rabastan was already there with the morning addition of the Daily Prophet spread out before him. "What's up? Any Delphini news," Rodolphus asked his brother as he seated himself at the head of the table. Bellatrix tried not to stiffen in concern as she slid into the chair to Rodolphus's right. Surely the girl hadn't had time to cause another newsworthy issue yet!

"Not exactly," Rabastan said carefully. His glance was nervous as he lifted his head from the paper to regard his brother and sister-in-law before hastily glancing away.

Before he could clarify, Harold approached to pour two cups of coffee for Bellatrix and Rodolphus, politely asking for their breakfast order. "Just eggs and toast for me," Bellatrix told the elf.

"Same for me," Rodolphus said. "Only add sausage, beans, and fried bread to mine as well...oh, and extra eggs...and mushrooms."

Harold bowed and departed, leaving Bella and Rod to turn their attention back to Rabastan.

"Well, it isn't so much Delphini as Rita Skeeter," Rabastan said carefully. Shrugging, he pushed the paper across the table toward Rod. Snatching it up, Rodolphus read quickly, then moved to crumple the paper in his fists. "It's nothing," he told Bellatrix a bit too quickly for her liking.

"Let's just see it then," she said, and snatched it from his hands. He resisted, and the paper tore. "Rodolphus! Give it to me."

"Fine, but please promise not to get worked up again. I don't like it when you get all upset," he complained. "We have real concerns and this is rubbish."

"Whatever, Rodolphus," Bellatrix snapped, straightening the paper to the page Rabastan had opened it to. The headline screamed at her. and she felt her blood pressure rising.


It was then that Bellatrix decided to take care of Rita Skeeter for her stupid lies. She'd just told the one that was going to get her killed. Furious, Bellatrix read the article that snarkily spoke of a family reunion between two of the most evil women in the wizarding world.

"Come on, Bella, you promised," Rodolphus said.

"Did I," Bellatrix asked calmly. "That's interesting, because I thought I only said whatever, Rodolphus."

"Yeah, but that meant you promised," Rodolphus persisted.

"It's time for that woman to get what's coming to her," Bellatrix said. "But don't worry. We'll go to the Ministry first. That is obviously more important. While I may not have promised, I can prioritize."

Rodolphus frowned, but as Harold arrived with their breakfast just then, he turned his attention to his food after casting Bellatrix a baleful glance that said he'd be continuing this discussion later. Bellatrix finished her own far smaller breakfast quickly and taking her coffee with her, she left the dining room and headed for the library.

"What are you doing, dearest?" Rodolphus called after her.

"Writing a letter in the library," she called over her shoulder without pausing. "Don't worry, I'm not leaving to kill bloody Skeeter now."

As she entered the library, she could hear Rhadamanthus coming down the stairs from the second floor and idly wondered how much breakfast the spider could eat. As she seated herself at the desk with her cup of coffee, she decided that she was vaguely curious about what Harold thought of the giant spider. He hadn't seemed to think much when Rhadamanthus came home with them last night, but then again, the plague doctor mask the elf wore did hide his expressions. Ah well, thanks to the Lestranges the elf had a very interesting life, which was more than most elves could say.

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