Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Nice To Meet You

The next morning the Lestranges were quiet at breakfast, far more subdued than usual. There was the shock of Voldemort severely fucking with their heads to process, as well as the fact no one had any idea what would be waiting for them at the Ministry this morning. Perhaps not even Kereston, although she was obviously one of the main instigators of this new forced government reform. No one could predict how the wizarding world would react to the 'plague' that not only made wizards mildly ill but stripped them completely of their magic.

For all anyone knew, there could be panic in the streets, and when there was panic, people ended up dead. Rather than deal with any potential street mobs and the trouble they'd get into for killing anyone who annoyed them, the Lestranges Apparated directly into the Ministry, landing right in the middle of Auror headquarters on level two. Though they weren't precisely certain where the main meeting that Kereston spoke of was being held, they figured if it was where everyone bloody was, they could find it without trouble. The fact that laughter was the first sound they heard reassured Bellatrix. No one was fighting, at least not inside. Not that she minded a good fight, but, in this case, it was a bit too early, considering things hadn't even gotten going yet with this new government.

"It's called a safe space," a girlish voice was explaining somewhere off to the right. The Lestranges exchanged a curious glance and followed the sound. "Everyone has to be extremely nice to one another in this safe space, and, like, you can't say anything that will upset anyone. Lots of Muggles have this safe space in their places of work."

"But how does one know what will upset people?" That voice with its light German accent belonged to Gellert Grindelwald. As the Lestranges turned into the doorway, they saw a small assembly, seated.

The girl who was speaking stood in front of her chair. She looked like an Amazon. She was tall and wide shouldered with a slender waist and long legs. She wore a flowing silver dress that was striped in green, indicating that she'd been in Slytherin. That, or she was just a fangirl. "I'm not exactly sure," she answered Grindelwald. "They seem to be offended by quite a lot these days... That's the strange bit, and part of the reason we feel SHE may be tampering with them."

When no one else asked a question, she sat down.

"Thank you, Millicent," Kereston said. "For those of you who have just arrived, this is Millicent Bulstrode. Though she is not a Ministry employee, she is a consultant that we hire for specific areas of research when it comes to Muggles. She studies their technology for her own uses and can learn what their masses are doing at all times."

An Auror seated in the back raised his hand, and Kereston nodded to him. "Why do we need to know what the Muggle masses are doing?"

"Because we fear that Delphini is bespelling them and, or possibly, using them for some sinister plot as Millicent mentioned. I hate to sound dramatic, but it is a valid concern. She has been giving Muggles potions that keep us from Obliviating them and making them aware of magic."

"That we can attest to," Rodolphus said to the Auror's skeptical look. "We were asked by the former Ministry to...handle one of those Muggles. Because he could not be Obliviated, we killed him. Before we did, we interrogated him, and he spoke of the blonde girl giving him a potion."

Bellatrix supposed Kereston had already briefed the new Aurors on who they were and why they were free, because no one was screaming or panicking at their presence, which could otherwise be expected. It was a bit disappointing, really.

"So you see," Kereston said to the Auror, who nodded. Then to the rest of the group, she continued, "I would like to introduce everyone and have each person state why you are here so that everyone is aware of everyone else. I want all of you aware of everyone's skills so that when trouble strikes, you will know who to go to for what. I am Kereston Boxwood, your new Minister. This is Gellert Grindelwald JR, my adviser, and due to the current Delphini situation, also Head of Defense."

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