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So they say that time
Takes away the pain but I'm still the same
And they say that I
Will find another you that can't be true

Why didn't I realize?
Why did I tell lies?
Yeah I wish that I could do it again
Turnin' back the time, back when you were mine (all mine)

So this is heartache?



I'm sorry.

I just stood there, crying, while watching her drive away. I don't care if people are staring at me.

I can't stop crying. How did we get here, from loving to hurting each other emotionally. I fall unto my knees and start pounding my chest with my right hand.

I'm sorry that you're hurting as much as I am.

"Please, stop.." I said to myself while pounding my chest


"Lisa, what happened?!" It's Rosé voice. She's now kneeling in front of me.

"Please...make it stop..."
My breathing became faster and deeper.

"Hey, please calm down. You're hyperventilating.." I can hear her worried voice but I can't calm myself.

"I can't stand the pain, help me Rosé. *sobs* She's hurting because of me. *sobs*"

"Lisa please stop crying...I'll take you home, you need to rest and we'll talk when your calm, okay?"

I just nod while sobbing.


On the way home I fell asleep and the next thing I know I'm in my bed and when I woke up it's night time already.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I look at Rosé beside my bed.

"I feel like shit. I feel like waking up from a comatose state. Wish that's what happened so I can sleep with peace." I joked

"Lisa, don't say that. I'm here. You can talk to me."

"Thank you..."

*knock knock*

We both looked at person who just entered my room.

It's Diana with a glass of water in her hand.

"Hi. I made dinner." She said walking towards us.

Rosé help me lean against the headboard. I accepted the water she offered and drink the whole glass.

"Thanks Dee...so I guess you two meet already while I'm blackout ."

"Oh yes. I keep calling you then she answered my call. I panicked when she told me you were unconcious."

"I'm okay now no need to worry *smile* but I need to talk to Rosé...alone if you don't mind."

"Okay..ahmm no problem. I'll just wait outside and keep the food warm." Diana said left the room

I took a deep sigh when I heard the door shut.

"Lis, if your not ready to tell me everything I--"

"I think I'll never be ready...but I can't keep this all to myself cause it's weighing me down and I'm losing myself each day." I said interrupting hér.

She just stare at me waiting for me to continue.

"I still love her and I'll always will. It messed up when her dad threaten me and I have to stay away from her then another bomb was dropped when my dad's faced some bankruptcy shit and he force us to go back to Thailand, in my hometown. I tought we're going to start a new beginning there but that's the time when he just used me to solve his problem... and that solution is to marry Diana. *chuckle*."

"Why are you laughing?" She look puzzled when I start to laugh lightly

"It's quite funny how my life become a plot from a drama. *chuckle*" I joke and we both start to laugh.

The atmosphere was filled with our laughter, and it just stop when Rosé saw me starts to cry...again. I think I'm going insane.

"Oh no no. Lisa,stop convincing yourself that you're okay." She said and engulf me in a hug.

"What do I do?"

"Explain everything to Jennie and tell her you still love her. That's what you need to do."

"But I hurt her so bad and she hated me."

"I remember how her eyes filled with hatred and I know when she said she's done, she's done for good."I said and cry even harder.

Rosé grab my shoulders and push me slightly to look straight in my eyes.
"Lisa! Don't listen to all the negativity inside your head. Just do something before you regret it. Take the risk or lose the chance."

I nod and crack a smile.

"First, I need to talk to Diana." I mumble when I remember she cross the line.

We hugged for a minute while I'm calming myself from sobbing.
After a while we decided to go outside.

I saw Diana watching TV in the loving room. I know I have to talk to her too.

"Hey, are you guys hungry?" Diana said while walking closer to us.

"I think it's time for me to leave. I'm just gonna eat at home." Rosé said

"Oh this is the first time that you decline a food offer." I joke at her

"Ha-Ha. Whatever." She rolled her eyes and we both laugh.

"I shall go and thanks for the offer Diana."

We said our goodbyes and now Diana and I need to talk. We are seated across each other in the dining table.

"How do you feel right now?" Diana start to ask

"I'm fine." I answer briefly

She nod and just smile.


"Won't you ask 'WHY' was I like that instead?" I break the silence with a straightforward question.

"Ahmm, why? What happened?" She ask with worries in her face.

"My bad, I guess I should be the one asking that. Why did you have to meet Jennie and give her some fake wedding invitation." I slammed the utensils I'm holding.

She flinch and I saw guilt in her face. She was about to reach for my hand but pull my hands away.

"I- I'm sorry Lili.."

"Don't call me that." I snap at her.

"Why are you so upset? She will know about it eventually." She said as a matter of fact.

"No. You're wrong because I'm withdrawing from the engagement. You showed me your true colors even we're not yet official."

"What?! No, no you can't. You need me, your family need me." She desperately say, convincing me.

"I want Jennie Kim to be my wife. If it's not her then there's no wedding." I confidently said.

She look pissed. I just look at her and without sayimg a word she storm outside of the unit.

Finally I have the courage to say the things I want and it feels so damn good.


A/N: Hello. Jenlisa pa din mga ulol ^-^
Sorry I took too long to update. I was practicing hard to become a hashira lol

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