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Time flew fast when you're happy. It's been a month now after we celebrated. Christmas season is here and 23 days before this year ends.

On our 8th monthsary I prepared a romantic dinner at my backyard and just hangout at my room for the rest of the night. We didn't go on another trip cause Jennie was so busy on her acads and I understand that. She's graduating on April, it's just 4 months away and on April 23rd is our first anniversary.

She promised me on that day when she got her diploma, she will introduce me to her parents and relatives. I'm nervous of their reactions but that's a dream come true, I just hope nothing will go wrong and they will accept us.

Right now I'm at the usual Café, waiting for my girlfriend to fetch me. I'm seated near the glass and I saw someone entering the café that makes my brows furrowed, it's the annoying Karina.
She saw me right after entering and gives me mischievous smirk and proceeded to the counter.

I don't want to assume but I think that girl is following me here to annoy the hell out of me. Jennie doesn't know about this cause it's not a big deal, really. I can handle her by ignoring that girl.
I was just a bit confused cause she always got out early before Jennie does.

"Hi Lis!" She said with a cup in hand and sit in front of me

"We're not close." I bitterly said

She stand up and I just follow her with my gaze. She sit right next to me and lean closer to my side.

"Now we're close." She said with smile smugly

I just close my eyes and took a deep breath to control myself. I move my chair away from her to the left and she copied me.

"Why do you love annoying me?! Please stop." I irritatedly said

"Cause you look cute when you're annoyed." She said and giggled

"Stop making fun of me please." I pleaded cause I can't argue with her.

She pouted and got up and sit again in front of me.

"Sorry, I was just being friendly." She said while looking down on her cup.

"If you're definition of friendly is teasing me whenever you see me and making fun of my sexuality, then I tell you that's bullying." I seriously said cause if I don't tell that straight to her face, she won't stop pestering me.

"Sorry Lisa. I just--- I don't know how to approach you and teasing you was the only way you can notice me." She sadly said

"It's okay, just don't do that anymore. You're older than me yet you act like a naughty kid." I said

She looked up at me and smile. She sip on her coffee. And she started small talk

"By the way, why are you always here? Like every after class ." She asked after a couple of seconds of silence.

"Well I'm waiting for my ride." I simply said

"Is your girlfriend always driving you home?"


"Is she from our University?"


My phone vibrated from my pocket and its from Jennie.

J: I'm on my way hon.

L: Okayyy. Drive safely love.

Hit send and put back my phone from my pocket. I look up at Karina with a curious stare.

"Bye got to go. My girlfriend is here." I said and give her a timid smile

Happier Than Ever - Jenlisa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now