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"I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human.."
- Christina Perri

Jennie's POV

It's been three days when Lisa departed to Bangkok,Thailand. And she didn'teven text or call me in those days.

I know she asked for space but I can't stop worrying. What if this space she wants is permanent, what if I'm waiting for nothing, what if she'll never come back?

These thoughts are making me anxious more. So, I sent her a text, hoping she'll reply to me this time.

To: Lili
Hon, I miss you. Please text reply.

After sending the message, I decided to go out of my room and eat dinner with my parents.

"Oh princess, come let's eat. I thought you're gonna lock your self again." Dad said when I'm approaching the dining room and sat next to mom.

"Is everything okay, sweetie?" Mom asked when I sigh deeply.

"I'm fine mom. I just felt stressed out from school works." I said and give them a tight-lip smile.

After dinner, I came back again to my room and busied myself from reviewing. But after some minutes, I ended up thinking about Lisa.
Damn it! I'm so close to book a ticket and fly to Thailand.


December 25th
When Christmas came, she haven't text or call me back at all.
Okay fine! If you don't want to contact me then so be it!

" Ugh! I can't take this anymore." I throw my phone to the bed and got out of my room to mingle with my relatives.

"Her she comes. Sweetie, come here." Mom called me

"Merry Christmas.." I greeted everyone I see.

"Sweetie, this is Mrs. Kwon and her son Ji-yong. This is Jennie, my only daughter." Mom introduced me to her guest.

I bowed and greet them. The guy looks a bit older than me.

"Jennie, why don't you accompany Ji-yong to the garden while I talk with Mrs. Kwon." Mom said and leave after.

"So, Ji-yong. Let's go outside." I said and lead him to our garden in the front yard.

"You can call me Oppa, it's obvious that I'm older than you." He said when we sat down.

"Okay, but I think you could pass as ahjussi." I teased and smirk at him.

I feel a little bit comfortable when the awkwardness between us subsided. I thinks he's nice.

"I know that behaviour, but you can't tease me and start to fall for me. I don't date teenager. Sorry." He said confidently that made my blood boil.

I look at him with creased brows and I take back what I said that he's nice.

"How could you! You're not even my type to start with." I bark at him.

I was about to walk out when he grab my left arm. I glare at him and he just laugh.

"Let me go, weirdo ahjussi." I glare at him.
But he even laugh loudly.

Happier Than Ever - Jenlisa FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ