Chapter 25: Light and Darkness

Start from the beginning

Slash, slash, slash!

Salem screamed when she felt the daggers cutting through the leather parts of her armor, the cry cut short when Vao's foot shot out from the mist and struck her in the forehead.

The thief flew from the mist, sheathing his weapons before kicking Ozpin between the legs, staring up at the knight angrily. But Ozpin just shook his head sadly.

"That... Doesn't really work anymore."



Vao let out a pained cry when Ozpin punched him square in the nose, following up with a kick the sent the thief landing on his ass. He didn't have time to get up before Sasha wrapped her arms around his waist, suplexing him into the stone. She held onto his ankle, glaring into his eyes as she held him upside down.

"Calm the fuck down, you moron! We're just trying to talk!"

Vao was freaking out, trying to pry her fingers away. Sasha growled, reeling her arm back and throwing him into the wall. The thief dizzily stumbled out of the way as she slammed down into the spot he was only moments before, stepping out of the way of her greatsword when it came crashing down.

Sweat began to bead on his forehead, his eyes watering. He didn't want to lose. His act had decayed over the years he showed his true self to his family, his fears finally making themselves known.

"S-stop fighting back," he hissed in desperation. "Stop fighting back and just die!"

Sasha didn't have time to get away from the arrow as it sizzled past her stomach, detonating just a foot away from her side. The elf's eyes flew wide open when her armor splintered and shattered like glass, shards of razor sharp metal cutting into her abs. If she hadn't been as muscular as she was, it would have sliced through her flesh like a knife through steak. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt. She dropped to her knees, breathing heavily through clenched teeth. Vao turned and ducked under Salem's rapier, kicking her leg out from underneath her before spinning on his toes and delivering a heavy roundhouse to her forehead.

The princess sprawled across the ground, feeling like she was just hit with a club. Vao flashed his daggers again, his hands shaking. He was beginning to lose his nerves again, his heart racing. Sweat ran down his cheeks like a faucet, his skin growing paler with each shaky breath.

"N... N-not now," he whispered. "Not now! I-I can't freak out!"

Yin stepped from the mist, holding his katana and pointing it at Vao. He could see it in his older brither's face. Vao was about to have a panic attack. And when he did, that would be their chance to take him down and take the key to the gate that stood in front of the only person likely to hold a conversation with them. Vao's eyes flitted between the katana and Yin, his eyes growing wet.

The healer leaned forward, his feet kicking up dust as he blasted towards the thief, ready to fight him head on.


The crossguard of Vao's dagger caught the blade, locking it into one place. The second dagger plunged into Yin's back, twisting and cutting away at the cloak. But Yin was ready this time. His hands let go of his sword, his knuckles smashing into Vao's chin.


The katana clattered to the floor, the healer throwing another punch that made Vao stumble, the daggers falling from his hands. The blonde gritted his teeth, his eyes flashing with the adrenaline of the fight.


Vao staggered, clutching his bloody nose with a yelp. Yin took a stance, his eyes betraying his grief. "It doesn't have to be this way, Vao!" He shouted. "Stop fighting, and we'll stop! I'm not with the Church anymore!"

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