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Hello anyone who may have stumbled upon this story,
I would first like to thank you for actually giving it a try and I would like to ask that you all be patient with me. This is my first time writing a fanfic and I have had some of these chapters in drafts for like years so my writing style may be different throughout the story. Also my little sister is the one editing this sooooo..... yeah

I'm also going to try and include a piece of artwork for each chapter and it will likely all be mine but their may be some from other artists who I will credit.

I would also like to let you know the bat girls aren't going to be in this a much if they are at all. This is because I don't actually know much about them and the only thing I know is from reading other fanfics.

Also the original young justice team will make appearances but it has been a while since I have seen the show so let me know if you notice blaring mistakes.

There is some swearing in this

Here are the character ages (It is not all going to be accurate but I think these are good ages for them all):
Percy Jackson- 18
Jason Todd- 18
Dick Grayson- 26
Tim Drake- 16
Damien Wayne- 13
Bruce Wayne- 43-44? Idk
Alfred Pennyworth- immortal because obviously

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