Chapter 1 ☕

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"Recognized Riptide Z-(whatever number)" Percy sighed theatrically as she entered the Batcave and found a chair to plop into.

Within seconds of Percy getting comfy the rest of the #BatFam walked in.

" Hey Perce how was patrol?" Dick asked as he walked past her and ruffled her hair. Percy dramatically sighed once again and began explaining how it had been going until she ran into Jason as she was busting a drug deal, and he shot the guy she was trying to get answers from.

"I'll talk to him," said Bruce, who was clearly annoyed with his son "Other than that how was patrol?".

"It wasn't bad, it was actually pretty calm I sat on a fire escape for most of it. There just wasn't much going on tonight," percy said as she spun the chair in a quick circle.

Percy was finally allowed to go on patrol by herself and she did not need Jason ruining that for her. When he got home she would definitely be having word with him.

" Alright well, I'm going to go catch some Z's," Percy said as she stood up to leave the cave.

"Percy if you see Jason, please don't hurt him too badly." Dick requested.

"Meeeee! Hurt Jason! I would never." Dick just rolled his eyes apparently not appreciating Percy's response.

As Percy made her way up to her room her mind began to wander and she thought about how close she had become with the Wayne family.

Jason was the first one she really connected with and ever since she had moved into the manor the two of them had been good friends. This was probably because they had been friends when they were younger and they were close in age. Jason was only two days older than her though you would not be able to tell because of the height difference between the two.

They had also both been through literal hell, and had matching white streaks to prove it. Their journeys had also changed both of them quite a bit. It was one of the first things Percy had noticed about Jason, his demeanor was more subdued since she had last seen him. He used to be a bubbly energetic kid but now he was quiet with a slightly haunted look to his eyes and an occasional temper. Despite all of this the two had quickly fallen back into their old friendship.

Dick and Percy were also close but not the same way she and Jason were. Like Jason, Dick had been living with Bruce when she and her mother used to visit but they had never really become good friends like she and Jason had.

Percy got along well with Tim and the two shared a mutual respect for coffee, although while Percy certainly enjoyed coffee, Tim seemed to use it as a life source.

The hardest person for Percy to get along with was Damian, the others were right about him being a little demon. Quite frankly it shocked Percy that he was related to Bruce who had always been so kind to her. Every time Percy tried to do something with Damian he would just scoff and walk away.

"Whatever," Percy thought " If he doesn't want to be nice to me, then I don't have to be nice to him."

Percy soon reached her room, where she took a quick shower and crawled into her giant bed.

Within minutes the young girl was asleep. It might not have been the best sleep, but Percy was exhausted and the little sleep she did get was precious.


Percy woke up around 2:30 in a cold sweat. Unfortunately, this was something she had grown used to over the past few months.

There had been a few times Percy had woken up other members of the household with her screaming. She always felt guilty when they would have to come to comfort her. Percy glanced at her clock once more and decided she wasn't going to fall back asleep.

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