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A few days later was Yunho able to realize what had happened in the court and that he doesn't have to fear to meet his stepfather when he's going outside.
Knowing that he will forever be in prison made him feel relieved.

Today was a Saturday and Mingi took a day off to spend the day with Yunho. When Mingi was at work was Yunho cleaning the apartment, trying to cook something new or was watching some movies or series.

Yunho woke this morning up alone in bed. He was wondering where Mingi was since he told him he took a day off. He got up and walked around the apartment, searching Mingi.

He was looking in the living room, laundry room, even the bathroom. Now he was walking into the kitchen and finally saw Mingi. He was reading something that looked like a recipe.

" What are you doing ? " Asked Yunho when je got closer to Mingi, scaring him a little.

" Oh, you are already awake.. I thought you would be sleeping a little longer "

Yunho giggled " yes "

" I wanted to surprise you with pancakes for breakfast.. do you want to cook with me ? "

" Yes, I would like to cook with you "

They began to cook the pancakes together. Mingi was actually quiet happy that Yunho was cooking with him. He wasn't sure if they would turn out good.

When they were done making the pancakes they ate together and put the dishes away when they were done. After that went Yunho to shower and change into new clothes.

After he was done and came out of the bathroom he saw Mingi putting his shoes on and holding his jacket in his hand.

" Mingi ? What are you doing ? " Asked Yunho

" We have some places to go. Put your shoes on " said Mingi

Yunho put his shoes on without questioning Mingi and took his jacket. They went outside to Mingi's car and got inside.

" Where are we going ? " asked Yunho when Mingo drove off

" That's a surprise. I planned a few things for today " said Mingi

" you always have surprises "

" I know. Just wait until you see it "

Mingi kept on driving while Yunho decided to choose some music to listen to. Mingi tried to make this day as special as he could.

The first place they were going was the park. Mingi parked the car in front of it and went with Yunho inside the park.

" I thought a walk through the park might be a good start for today " said Mingi unsure if Yunho would be okay with it

" That's a great idea. Maybe I can see squirrels " said Yunho and looked around. Mingi chuckled, feeling relieved that Yunho liked it.

Eventually found Yunho a few squirrels and got excited about it. Mingi loved seeing Yunho getting excited over the tiniest things.

After they were done with their walk, they went back to the car and drove to the next stop. Mingi was driving to the mall.

" Are we going shopping ? " Asked Yunho when they were going inside the mall

" Kind off. I had an idea or well I saw something were 2 people choosed an outfit for the other one. Like I'll choose an outfit for you and you one for me " said Mingi when they were walking into a store with clothes

" Let's do that! And don't look " said Yunho

" I won't " said Mingi. They parted ways and looked through the store. It took quiet a long time until both of them were done and happy with the outfit they choosed.

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