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Mingi was sitting in his office and thought about a situation he will put Yunho in today until there was a knock on the door and Yeosang came in.

" Good morning " said yeosang

" Good morning, do you need help with something ? " Asked Mingi

" Kind of. It's time for Yunho's next check-up. "

" Okay, I'll go and come with him over to your office " said Mingi and stood up. Now he had a trigger situation for Yunho.

" Hello " said Mingi as he went inside Yunho's room.

" Hi "

" We need to go to Yeosang and do your next check-up " said Mingi

Yunho stood silently up and followed Mingi over to Yeosang's office. He didn't liked the check-ups, everytime took Yeosang a bit if his blood and he hated it.

As they arrived in Yeosang's office had Yunho to sit down and follow, as always, Yeosang's introductions.

" Did you had any complaints lately? for example signs of a cold, sore throat, stomachaches or anything else ? " Asked Yeosang. It was actually the first time in years that he asked Yunho something and didn't just made the check-up. He wanted to see if Yunho might talk now since he heard that he made progress m.

" No " said Yunho

" any muscle or bone pain ? "

" No "

" okay, then I need to check your weight again " said Yeosang. yunho was weighed and had gained a little weight the last time, which was very good since he had been losing weight lately.

" That seems good. you are back to normal weight " said Yeosang and wrote that down. Yunho sat it that time back down and waited for Yeosang to continue.

" Now I have to take the blood samples "

Yeosang grabbed a needle and a tube and went over to Yunho, who was already panicking. as yeosang disinfected Yunho's arm, Mingi came over next to Yunho.

" Yunho, remember on the steps " said Mingi and made Yunho look over to him. He nodded and closed his eyes to focus.

Yeosang took the needle and stuck it in Yunho's skin. yunho scrunched up his face briefly, but kept his eyes closed.

After He was done taking the samples he pulled the needle and put a bandaid on his arm.

" I'm done " said Yeosang and threw the used needle into the trash.

Mingi went with Yunho slowly back to his room and sat down on his bed.

" How are you feeling now ? " Asked Mingi

" I'm fine " said Yunho resting his head on Mingi's shoulder. Mingi had a little smile on his face as they were sitting there in silence.

" I planned something for tonight " said Mingi after a while

" What ? "

" I planned something. I mean only if you want to go out late at night "

" I want to.. but that did you planned ? "

" It's nothing special but I thought it would be nice.. "

" What is it ? " Asked Yunho getting impatient, looking up at Mingi

" You will see it later " said Mingi


The whole morning and afternoon spend Mingi with Yunho. In the evening he went over to his office to work on his paperwork until it was 8 pm and it slowly got dark outside. He put his papers away, took his jacket and went over to Yunho's room.

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