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2 days later was the next trigger situation for Yunho. He wasn't that nervous as he was before the first one since he was able to calm down but he's still scared.

Yesterday he had a therapy session where he was just talking with Mingi.



Yunho went over to Mingis office and knocked on the door. Sometimes he goes by himself to his office.

As he went inside he sat down on the chair he always sits while Mingi was pulling Yunhos files out.

" Hello Yunho, so today we will talk a bit about how you feel, Is that okay for you ? "

" yes "

" ok, how do you feel right now ? "

Yunho was quiet for a while. How does he feel ? " I'm... o-okay ? "

Mingi noticed that he was unsure about his answer " is there something bothering you ? "

" no.. I. I just don't know... w-what if I always was feeling bad a-and I don't know h-how it feels to be good "

" Yunho, there are always bright and dark times and everyone has them and it's okay to have dark times. Sometimes they last for a pretty long time but bright times will always come. Every person has these moments, it's nothing to feel embarrassed about "

" y-you too ? "

" yes me too, dark and bright times are a part of life and for some people are these dark times darker than someone else's. You had these kind of darkness but you will be able to feel happiness "

" a-are you sure? .. w-what if I am not able to feel h-happiness ? And be in the d-darkness forever " tears filled his eyes at the tought of never being able to live with happiness. without being scared, pain, loneliness..

Deep down he felt lonely. He doesn't have a family to go to or visit him. After his mother passed away he only had his teddy left. For yunho the teddy gave him a feeling that someone was with him but it's not a real person he could talk to. It's not enough to make the feeling of loneliness fade away.

" you are able to feel happiness. You remember on the day we were outside playing in the snow ? "

Yunho nodded

" you were smiling and laughing. Do you remember how you felt that day ? "

" I- I can't explain it.. I just had to smile "

" did you felt like you were in the darkness anymore ? It was a different feeling, right ? It felt good "

" y-yes "

" that was happiness and you are able to feel it "

Now Yunho sat there in shock. He thought he couldn't feel true happiness. " I can feel it " he mumbled to himself.



Mingi and Yunho went to the room where San and Yeosang were to help with Yunhos next trigger situation.

Today they will use fake blood. Of course not to much but to see how Yunho reacts when he is confronted with blood.

Yeosang was preparing the fake blood on Sans arms and on one of his knees. They will act like San is hurt. Mingi hopes that it doesn't remind Yunho to much on his mothers death.

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