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The night went over peacefully.
Yunho was the whole night holding into Mingi's arm and he didn't even had a nightmare.

Mingi woke up as his alarm went off. He rubbed his eyes before he turned around to turn the alarm off. As he turned back around he saw Yunho still sleeping. Yunho had messy hair and his cheeks were flushed.

He didn't wanted to wake him up but they have to get back to the hospital.
Mingi sat up and tried to wake him up.

" Yunho. Wake up, we have to get ready " said Mingi.

In return groaned Yunho and pulled the blanket over his head

" I'm sorry but you can go back to sleep when we're back in the hospital "

" No, it's much more comfortable here " slurred Yunho, still feeling sleepy.

" I know but we have to go back or we might get in trouble "

Yunho sat slowly up and rubbed his eyes before he stood with Mingi up. Mingi changed in his room while Yunho changed in the bathroom.

Mingi prepared some breakfast for them before they will be going to hospital. As Yunho came to the kitchen they began to eat. They put the dished together away and got ready to leave the apartment.

Mingi put the bags with Yunho's clothes again on the backseats before he went into the car and drove to the hospital.

".. how are we actually going inside without getting into trouble ? " Asked Yunho as Mingi drove to the parking lot.

" I already have a plan if we see anyone. But we should hurry to get into your room " said Mingi as he parked his car.

" Ok "

Mingi took the bags out and went with Yunho towards the entrance. Luckily wasn't Jongho sitting there.

They went with quick steps over to Yunho's room to not get caught by anyone.

" Do you think anyone caught us ? " Asked Yunho as they were in his room.

" I'm not sure but I don't think that anyone saw us. They are working on this time " said Mingi as he placed the bags on Yunho's table.

" So we won't get in trouble ? "

" Don't worry, we won't..but we should go in my office and at least pretend to continue with your therapy " said Mingi

" Okay " they went over to Mingi's office and sat down.

" And how do we pretent this session ? " Asked Yunho

" We have to talk, it doesn't even matter about what "

" .. yesterday I was sleeping without Nico being by my side "

" Did you had problems to sleep ? "

" No. I was thinking about him at first but I could sleep without him and I didn't even had a nightmare "

" that's great you're making progress. about your nightmares, do you have them every night ? "

" I don't really have good dreams in general so I might have them always but not everyone of them is a very bad one "

" Okay and last night your dream was a good one or a less bad nightmare ? "

" It was good I think.. you were there and you were dancing but then I caught you and you were embarrassed while I was laughing "

" Well that's an interesting dream "

They continued to talk about yesterday until it was time for Yunho to eat lunch. Mingi took Yunho's files and wrote the things Yunho told him about his teddy and nightmares down.

An hour later it was time for Mingi to eat lunch and luckily no one asked him about yesterday.
Until most of them already left to continue with their work.

" Mingi wait " said Wooyoung

" Yes ? " Asked Mingi and turned back around to Wooyoung and San

" What were you doing yesterday with Yunho ? "

" I was shopping with him and dyed our hair. He has nightmares about his past and Jongho said when he changed his looks it might help him to let go of his past and have less nightmares " explained Mingi

" Well that explains his new hair and clothes.. but what were you doing after that ? " Asked San

" Well we were at my apartment and played some games and ate something together "

" And did you came back here yesterday ? " Asked Wooyoung

" Oh god. One of you saw us earlier in the hallway, don't you ? "

" I saw you and I got curious because yesterday I didn't saw one of you " said Wooyoung

" Okay I'll tell you but don't tell anyone "

" Don't worry. We just want to know what's going on between you and Yunho "

" We stayed at my apartment and came back here this morning " .

" Oh my.. seriously ? " Asked wooyoung a little shocked

" Yes "

" And was he able to sleep ? " asked San

" Yes, he even said he had no nightmares. I'm not sure if it's already because of his new look or maybe because he was at another place "

" Or maybe because of you " said Wooyoung

" I don't thin- "

" No listen. Yunho is since you are here attached to you. You are the first person who was able to speak with him, you were able to start a therapy, you helped him progress and start to recover. Because of you is Yunho getting better and It wouldn't be a miracle if he also slept better because you were with him "

" And don't forget how he reacted when you weren't his therapist for a week. his condition took a turn for the worse rather quickly " said San

" I know but I didn't do anything special "

" Seems like Yunho saw something in you what he didn't saw in anyone else " said San

" But it still could be true that it's also because of you. I mean in my case it was the same thing. San helped me a lot and I think sometimes people only need someone special in their life to recover " said Wooyoung

" Maybe.. I have to go now back to work " said Mingi and left the kitchen.

He went to Yunho's room to spend time with him again. As Mingi came into his room was Yunho playing a game by himself.

" Hello " said Mingi and sat down

" Hi. Do you want to join the game? " Asked Yunho

" Sure "

They started a new round and played together. While they were playing, they were talking about some random stuff.

Later that day after dinner was Mingi again with Yunho.

" Which outfit should I wear tomorrow. The completely brown one or the one with the one with the blue pullover and brown pants ? "

" I think you should try the one with the blue pullover tomorrow "

For the rest of the day they kept spending time together until it was time for Yunho to go to sleep and for Mingi to go back home.

" Good night Mingi "

" Good night Yunho "


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