'The pest's kingdom?' He knows that land belongs to that irksome princess and her pathetic band of Freedom Fighters as well as that obnoxious blue rat who stays there too–

"I see." He rubs his chin in thought for a moment before he gets up from his chair to walk to the operation table. "Come, let me fix you. Once you're fully repaired, I want you to go there to see if you can find anything regarding these portals. Just try not to get into any confrontations if you can help it, understand?"

"Beep boop." Metal Sonic makes his way to the table. He doesn't really care for what the doctor has in mind right now. No, he just wants to know what is calling out to him and why.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

8:24 a.m. – Albion Ruins

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A warp ring opens for the white echidna to step into his once beautiful lab. Yellow eyes narrow, seeing how the lab completely charred and in ruins.

He takes a few steps, avoiding piles of ashes as he looks for any signs of his work, any of his previous works but they are all ruined. Metal has completely melted, any paperwork he would have had is completely eviscerated if not the ashes he's avoiding, and Mobius knows what happened to all of his chemicals. Not just the vials he used on his latest lab rats either. But all of his experiments are gone from this lab.




He takes his glasses off and rubs his eyes in annoyance. "The only silver lining to this is that I have back-up data in my other lab, and I remember what I wrote down next to those numbers, but still–"

Finetivus lets out an irritated sigh and looks to the ground, at a pile of ash right beside his left foot. There he sees something amiss amongst the pile of debris and ash. "What's this...?" He puts his glasses back on before reaches down to pick up the miniscule object. His lip curls upwards as he brings the object to eye view and twirls the golden quill in between his fingers. "Not all has been lost I see."

The white echidna walks to the northern wall and presses the third brick on the right, revealing a trigger for detonation. He grabs it and opens another warp ring to go into his second laboratory.

"Well, if you want something fully destroyed, make sure you are thorough about doing it." He steps through the warp ring and the moment it closes does the ruins explode, destroying the neighboring structures.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

8:28 a.m. – Outskirts of Acorn Kingdom

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Another irritated sigh leaves peach lips as he places his face in the palms of his hands and shakes his head. His morning was interesting enough from waking up to being held by Mephiles, which raises so many questions in itself, and then breakfast was a thing. Sweet Chaos was that a thing. He knew his mom still had her other baby but it didn't cross his mind that she'd just pull it out of nowhere like that. And Mephiles wants to take him on a date? What is that about? But now, the best part of a well-balanced, yet insane morning: he's sitting on a rock at the riverside with his ex-girlfriend and her fiancé. 'Great... just great.'

"So now that I have both of you here, as requested by you," Light blue eyes turn from the blue hedgehog to meet saddened blue orbs. He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. He doesn't want to do this but for the sake of his future, hopefully their future, this needs to happen. The truth needs to be out in the open between them. "–can I ask my fiancé why she so urgently requested me to get him for this talk?"

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