"It's a chain reaction," Castiel explained.

"Mm-hmm. The Empty? It's... different. Not as strong as Chuck or Amara, but... vast. But if Jack survives, and if the Empty survives, it's gonna be pissed."

"Okay, so -- so the Empty is pissed," Sam said. "What does that mean?"

"The Empty is strong. It's got... beef with me, especially after what I just did."

"Oh, well, poor you," Dean and Jayci retorted.

Billie tilted her head to the left. "Good thing it can't reach me here."

"Yeah, the Empty can't come to Earth," Sam explained. "Not without being summoned."

"Wait, what -- what -- what about Jack?" Dean asked. "If he's alive?"

Castiel stepped forward ever so slightly before saying, "Then you have to bring him back."

"Not until I get what I came for," Billie replied, turning to the younger brother. "Yeah, Sam, you and your adopted daughter of sorts took something that belongs to me. God's book."

Sam scoffed. "You were always going to betray us. Once you defeated God, you were gonna take power. And that means everyone who got a free pass or a second chance," he stepped closer to her, "everyone who  was resurrected or came from another world, you were gonna kill them all -- Dean and me, too. That's the order you want restored. That's always been your endgame!"

"You got me."

"You lied to everyone," Castiel said. "Even the Empty. You promised it peace and quiet, but you never meant it."

Sam continued. "Even if I give you the book, what's to stop you from stabbing us in the back? Killing us all?"

Billie shook her head a little. "Nothing. But you don't have a choice." She walked closer to Sam. "This isn't a negotiation. If he's alive, he won't last long. So if you want Jack, you'll give it to me now."

Sam clenched his jaw angrily and Jayci narrowed her eyes.

Jayci's eyes began glowing as she said in a low, threatening tone, "Bring my brother back. Now."


Jack gasped, slowly coming to the realization he was alive.

He looked at his hands as the Empty formed again.

The Empty groaned and looked at her hands before looking at Jack with wide eyes and said, "You."


Sam entered the room with God's book. Billie reached out her hand and he dropped it on the map table, joining his family and sat on the steps near a console.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked as Billie opened the book.

"Since you ruined the last one, God's book has a new ending," Billie replied.

"Jack! Now!" Dean and Jayci demanded. "Billie, I swear."

"Shh." She smiled and closed her book.

Jayci glared at Billie. "I want my brother back! Right now!"


"You did this," Empty told Jack, forcing him closer. She placed her hands on Jack's cheeks. "You made it loud."


Billie smiled and closed the book before saying, "Interesting."


Jack's face was still being touched by Empty and he groaned.

He disappeared in a yellow light.

Empty lowered her hands and cried, "Aaaah!"

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