An Unexpected Allience

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The King entered the room with General Gash right behind him, Sarah didn't think he looked happy but then again do great whites ever look happy? she wondered. King Namath spoke, "We just battled and you have the guts to enter my kingdom, I should cut all three of your hearts out, Ava!" Queen Ava replied, "Open your eyes, Namath, we have been set up so the U.S.K. could take our kingdoms, King Coral and Queen Lily are after all the Scepters, and I believe she made a deal with the Deep Blue Crocs!" Sarah could tell Namath was pondering the Queen's words. The King gave her his all-teeth smile like usual and said, "So what do you want to ally, Ava? The King stepped closer and continued, " I've already Killed King Coral and Queen Lily will be next!" Queen Ava looked shocked, "how did you manage that?" Ava asked. Namath replied, "He was caught by one of my sharks, then dealt with quickly." Ava said, "That makes no sense, why would the King be unprotected? Crocs attacked my kingdom and I escaped luckily, we should stand together on this King Namath." The King ponders this and says, "Very well Ava, but you will be watched closely." Namath and Gash leave the room. Onyx walks over to The Queen of the Octopus and bows, "Your Majesty if you need anything just let me know." Ava replies, "Thank you Onyx, I honestly believe that you will change this world when you are King."

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