There Are Others

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Sarah doesn't have time for much but she does look at what is pulling them down. The jaws that are wrapped around her thigh are a baby crocodile, about 3 feet long, another baby has her by the foot, The glowing yellow eyes are attached to a head with tons of teeth. It reminds her of a movie she watched called Croczilla. She notices teeth marks on the croc's skin and its face. She thinks oh my God we are dead, She lifts the hand with the knife up over her head, Stacey will not die down here. Sarah brings the knife down, sticking it in Croc's leg, it releases Sarah's leg. Sarah with Stacey still on her back rushes to the surface gasping for air. Sarah is moving again, her muscles are burning and starting to cramp up but she pushes on for Stacey. As they get closer to the labyrinth entrance she sees a monster crocodile coming at her and Stacey, that's when a shadowy figure pops up out of the water and snaps a claw around the croc's neck, Gabey comes up out of the water, and snatches Sarah's shirt and pulls her and Stacey into the labyrinth. George looks at Gabey and says, "Run my love!" Just then Sarah sees Gorge get mauled and dragged under the water by a dozen baby Crocs. Gabey screams, "Gorge!" Sarah, Stacey, and Gabey finally make it to a safe spot in the labyrinth. That's when The two figures came running up to Sarah Gabey and Stacey, Sarah noticed immediately one of them was pointing a pistol at them. "Put your hands and claws where we can see them, please." The one toting the gun said. Sarah and Stacey put their hands up, and Gabey puts up her claws. The other one that was traveling with the guy who was pointing the gun asked. "How do we get out of this place? Just tell us and we will let you go, I promise." It was a female voice. Sarah was very nervous that this man she didn't know had a gun in Gaby and Stacey's faces. He looked even more scared than Sarah felt. Sarah carefully replied, "We are trying to get back to the place we came through, it's just a little ways ahead through the Labyrinth." The lady that was with the man carrying the gun looks at Sarah's leg and says, "You might want to wrap your bites before they get infected, those wounds look like they hurt." "I will as soon as I get out of here." She looked at them with curiosity and asked, "Did you come through a portal?" The guy lowered the gun and put it back in his holster. "Yes, we did, about a month ago by my calculation but I have no clue how time works here." The lady traveling with the guy says, "The wall in our closet opened up, and here we are. My name is Carla and this is Anthony." She pointed to the guy that carried the gun. "I just want to get Stacey home," Sarah says. Carla gives her a sad look and replies. "I don't think you can go home! Our portal closed, I'm sure yours did too." Gabey says, "Where did you humans come from? You're all dead, have been for millions of years." She adds, "My buddy Chaos collects your fossils." Carla says, "That is messed up crabby." Sarah knows she can't give up even though she's exhausted and her leg is killing her. As the group of five was heading back into the labyrinth... Back in their world, A.P.B. was going out for a babysitter who had kidnapped a six-year-old girl she was babysitting. She was considered armed and dangerous.

Apex Nation Volume 1: The Babysitter Where stories live. Discover now