The Attack Plan

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Sarah walked into the Slaughter room, Zipper was already there getting Chum ready, and he flashed a razor-sharp smile at her. Sarah couldn't help but like Zipper, he was a great shark. "Good morning," Sarah said. "I got some news you might be interested in lady," Replied Zipper. Sarah couldn't help it that got her intrigued. "What is it?" Sarah asked. "Well, I was called into the war room, General Gash, Slice, and Dice, we're in there and so was King Namath." Zipper moved a little closer and continued, "I think they plan on attacking Octo-Kingdom tonight!" Sarah gave him one of her shocked looks. "Well from what I've seen they are going to need every shark in this kingdom," Sarah said. Just as she said that General Gash came through the door and said, "King Namath wants everyone in the throne room to know. So Sarah and Zipper followed Gash to the throne room. When they walked into the room everyone was there including Stacey. King Namath was sitting on his throne, he stood up and addressed the room, " We go to war tomorrow, everyone including the humans will fight for the sharks, no exceptions!" Sarah looked over at Stacey, she looked terrified. Onyx, who was a shark that Sarah hadn't meant yet, stepped forward, "Father you can't be serious, you're sending humans to die!" Namath put his deadly dark eyes on Onyx and said, "Don't worry Prince Onyx, you've been so good in the nursery giving the human a ride like a pet, she will be fine." He smiled so big you could see multiple rows of his razor-sharp teeth.

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